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From: "Drew Adams" <>
Subject: bug#13113: 24.3.50; `x-create-frames' raises error trying to eval `directory-files' (???)
Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2012 08:30:52 -0800	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <> (raw)

This is with my setup, not emacs -Q.

I added a call to `(debug)' in a section of my code that is eval'd during
application of a completion function for file names.  Below is what happened.

What should have happened: *Backtrace* opens in a separate, special-display
frame (because "*Backtrace*" matches my value of `special-display-regexps').

Apparently, when Emacs tried to create the frame it ran into some problems in
`x-create-frame'.  Why `x-create-frame' would call `directory-files' on
"~/.emacs.d/auto-save-list/" I have no idea.  And why that should raise this
error, and what this error means, I also have no idea.  This means nothing to me
- what is going on here?

BTW, why is Emacs suddenly formatting the `report-emacs-bug' text I wrote?  I
copied (`M-w') and yanked (`C-y') the backtrace into that report buffer, then
pasted, after `C-c C-c', from the clipboard into my mail client (Outlook), as
usual.  But now it seems that each line gets split at the same position and
`=<newline>' is added.

Is this a new feature?  Is there a way to turn it off or otherwise control it?
Why `='?

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (file-error "Opening directory" "no error" "c=
  directory-files("~/.emacs.d/auto-save-list/" nil "\\`\\.saves-" t)
  (and auto-save-list-file-prefix (file-directory-p (file-name-directory au=
to-save-list-file-prefix)) (directory-files (file-name-directory auto-save-=
list-file-prefix) nil (concat "\\`" (regexp-quote (file-name-nondirectory a=
uto-save-list-file-prefix))) t))
  x-create-frame(((visibility) (fringe . 0) (right-fringe . 0) (left-fringe=
 . 0) (icon-type) (minibuffer) (cursor-type . bar) (tool-bar-lines . 0) (wi=
dth . 80) (height . 14) (menu-bar-lines . 1) (top . 0) (left . 0) (unsplitt=
able . t) (user-position . t) (vertical-scroll-bars . right) (height . 14) =
(width . 80) (unsplittable . t)))
  x-create-frame-with-faces(((fringe . 0) (right-fringe . 0) (left-fringe .=
 0) (icon-type) (minibuffer) (cursor-type . bar) (tool-bar-lines . 0) (font=
 . "-*-Lucida Console-normal-r-*-*-14-112-96-96-c-*-iso8859-1") (width . 80=
) (height . 14) (mouse-color . "Yellow") (cursor-color . "Yellow") (menu-ba=
r-lines . 1) (foreground-color . "Black") (background-color . "LightSteelBl=
ue") (top . 0) (left . 0) (unsplittable . t) (user-position . t) (vertical-=
scroll-bars . right) (height . 14) (width . 80) (unsplittable . t)))
  make-frame(((font . "-*-Lucida Console-normal-r-*-*-14-112-96-96-c-*-iso8=
859-1") (width . 80) (height . 14) (mouse-color . "Yellow") (cursor-color .=
 "Yellow") (menu-bar-lines . 1) (foreground-color . "Black") (background-co=
lor . "LightSteelBlue") (top . 0) (left . 0) (unsplittable . t) (user-posit=
ion . t) (vertical-scroll-bars . right) (height . 14) (width . 80) (unsplit=
table . t)))
  special-display-popup-frame(#<buffer *Backtrace*> nil)
  funcall(special-display-popup-frame #<buffer *Backtrace*> nil)
  (lambda (buffer _alist) (funcall special-display-function buffer (quote n=
il)))(#<buffer *Backtrace*> ((previous-window . #<window 48>)))
  display-buffer(#<buffer *Backtrace*> ((display-buffer-reuse-window displa=
y-buffer-in-previous-window) (previous-window . #<window 48>)))
  pop-to-buffer(#<buffer *Backtrace*> ((display-buffer-reuse-window display=
-buffer-in-previous-window) (previous-window . #<window 48>)))
  (progn (debug))
  (if (icicle-string-match-p "ici" filname) (progn (debug)))
  (lambda (G50106 G50107 filname) (if (icicle-string-match-p "ici" filname)=
 (progn (debug))) (and (funcall predicate filname) (or find-file-run-dired =
(not (file-directory-p filname))) (let* ((buf (find-file-noselect filname))=
 (found (save-current-buffer (set-buffer buf) (message "Matching buffer con=
tents...") (save-excursion (goto-char ...) (re-search-forward ... nil t))))=
) (if (and (boundp (quote existing-bufs)) (boundp (quote new-bufs--to-kill)=
) (not (memq buf existing-bufs))) (progn (add-to-list (quote new-bufs--to-k=
ill) buf))) found)))(--content-pat-- --file-pat-- "icicles.el~")
  apply((lambda (G50106 G50107 filname) (if (icicle-string-match-p "ici" fi=
lname) (progn (debug))) (and (funcall predicate filname) (or find-file-run-=
dired (not (file-directory-p filname))) (let* ((buf (find-file-noselect fil=
name)) (found (save-current-buffer (set-buffer buf) (message "Matching buff=
er contents...") (save-excursion (goto-char ...) (re-search-forward ... nil=
 t))))) (if (and (boundp (quote existing-bufs)) (boundp (quote new-bufs--to=
-kill)) (not (memq buf existing-bufs))) (progn (add-to-list (quote new-bufs=
--to-kill) buf))) found))) --content-pat-- --file-pat-- "icicles.el~")
  (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (apply (quote (lambda (G50106 G50107 filname)=
 (if (icicle-string-match-p "ici" filname) (progn (debug))) (and (funcall p=
redicate filname) (or find-file-run-dired (not (file-directory-p filname)))=
 (let* ((buf ...) (found ...)) (if (and ... ... ...) (progn ...)) found))))=
 (quote --content-pat--) (quote --file-pat--) --cl-rest--))("icicles.el~")
  file-name-completion("ici" "c:/drews-lisp-20/" (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--=
) (apply (quote (lambda (G50106 G50107 filname) (if (icicle-string-match-p =
"ici" filname) (progn (debug))) (and (funcall predicate filname) (or find-f=
ile-run-dired (not (file-directory-p filname))) (let* ((buf ...) (found ...=
)) (if (and ... ... ...) (progn ...)) found)))) (quote --content-pat--) (qu=
ote --file-pat--) --cl-rest--)))
  #[0 "..." ["c:/drews-lisp-20/ici" (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (apply (quo=
te (lambda (G50106 G50107 filname) (if (icicle-string-match-p "ici" filname=
) (progn ...)) (and (funcall predicate filname) (or find-file-run-dired ...=
) (let* ... ... found)))) (quote --content-pat--) (quote --file-pat--) --cl=
-rest--)) nil start string regexp metadata (metadata (category . file)) "\\=
`~[^/\\]*\\'" nil t string-match completion-table-with-context "~" mapcar #=
[257 "\211\300P\207" ["/"] 3 "\n\n(fn U)"] system-users 1 boundaries file-n=
ame-directory "/" lambda zerop file-exists-p file-name-nondirectory file-na=
me-completion file-name-all-completions (nil file-exists-p) file-directory-=
p #[257 "..." [0 47] 4 "\n\n(fn S)"] expand-file-name inhibit-changing-matc=
h-data default-directory] 10 "\n\n(fn)"]()
  funcall(#[...]" ["c:/drews-lisp-20/ici" (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (appl=
y (quote (lambda (G50106 G50107 filname) (if (icicle-string-match-p "ici" f=
ilname) (progn ...)) (and (funcall predicate filname) (or find-file-run-dir=
ed ...) (let* ... ... found)))) (quote --content-pat--) (quote --file-pat--=
) --cl-rest--)) nil start string regexp metadata (metadata (category . file=
)) "\\`~[^/\\]*\\'" nil t string-match completion-table-with-context "~" ma=
pcar #[257 "\211\300P\207" ["/"] 3 "\n\n(fn U)"] system-users 1 boundaries =
file-name-directory "/" lambda zerop file-exists-p file-name-nondirectory f=
ile-name-completion file-name-all-completions (nil file-exists-p) file-dire=
ctory-p #[...] expand-file-name inhibit-changing-match-data default-directo=
ry] 10 "\n\n(fn)"])
  completion-file-name-table("c:/drews-lisp-20/ici" (lambda (&rest --cl-res=
t--) (apply (quote (lambda (G50106 G50107 filname) (if (icicle-string-match=
-p "ici" filname) (progn (debug))) (and (funcall predicate filname) (or fin=
d-file-run-dired (not (file-directory-p filname))) (let* ((buf ...) (found =
...)) (if (and ... ... ...) (progn ...)) found)))) (quote --content-pat--) =
(quote --file-pat--) --cl-rest--)) nil)
  try-completion("c:/drews-lisp-20/ici" completion-file-name-table (lambda =
(&rest --cl-rest--) (apply (quote (lambda (G50106 G50107 filname) (if (icic=
le-string-match-p "ici" filname) (progn (debug))) (and (funcall predicate f=
ilname) (or find-file-run-dired (not (file-directory-p filname))) (let* ((b=
uf ...) (found ...)) (if (and ... ... ...) (progn ...)) found)))) (quote --=
content-pat--) (quote --file-pat--) --cl-rest--)))
  completion--file-name-table("c:/drews-lisp-20/ici" (lambda (&rest --cl-re=
st--) (apply (quote (lambda (G50106 G50107 filname) (if (icicle-string-matc=
h-p "ici" filname) (progn (debug))) (and (funcall predicate filname) (or fi=
nd-file-run-dired (not (file-directory-p filname))) (let* ((buf ...) (found=
 ...)) (if (and ... ... ...) (progn ...)) found)))) (quote --content-pat--)=
 (quote --file-pat--) --cl-rest--)) nil)
  complete-with-action(nil completion--file-name-table "c:/drews-lisp-20/ic=
i" (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (apply (quote (lambda (G50106 G50107 filname=
) (if (icicle-string-match-p "ici" filname) (progn (debug))) (and (funcall =
predicate filname) (or find-file-run-dired (not (file-directory-p filname))=
) (let* ((buf ...) (found ...)) (if (and ... ... ...) (progn ...)) found)))=
) (quote --content-pat--) (quote --file-pat--) --cl-rest--)))
  completion--some(#[...] (completion--embedded-envvar-table completion--fi=
  read-file-name-internal("c:/drews-lisp-20/ici" (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--=
) (apply (quote (lambda (G50106 G50107 filname) (if (icicle-string-match-p =
"ici" filname) (progn (debug))) (and (funcall predicate filname) (or find-f=
ile-run-dired (not (file-directory-p filname))) (let* ((buf ...) (found ...=
)) (if (and ... ... ...) (progn ...)) found)))) (quote --content-pat--) (qu=
ote --file-pat--) --cl-rest--)) nil)
  (progn (read-file-name-internal (symbol-value --cl-file-pat--) (symbol-va=
lue (quote --cl-content-pred--)) completion-mode))
  (let ((--cl-content-pred-- (if (equal "" (symbol-value --cl-content-pat--=
)) predicate (list (quote lambda) (quote (&rest --cl-rest--)) (list (quote =
apply) (list (quote quote) (function ...)) (list (quote quote) --cl-content=
-pat--) (list (quote quote) --cl-file-pat--) (quote --cl-rest--)))))) (prog=
n (read-file-name-internal (symbol-value --cl-file-pat--) (symbol-value (qu=
ote --cl-content-pred--)) completion-mode)))
  (progn (defvar --cl-content-pred--) (let ((--cl-content-pred-- (if (equal=
 "" (symbol-value --cl-content-pat--)) predicate (list (quote lambda) (quot=
e (&rest --cl-rest--)) (list (quote apply) (list ... ...) (list ... --cl-co=
ntent-pat--) (list ... --cl-file-pat--) (quote --cl-rest--)))))) (progn (re=
ad-file-name-internal (symbol-value --cl-file-pat--) (symbol-value (quote -=
-cl-content-pred--)) completion-mode))))
  (progn (progn (defvar --cl-content-pred--) (let ((--cl-content-pred-- (if=
 (equal "" (symbol-value --cl-content-pat--)) predicate (list (quote lambda=
) (quote ...) (list ... ... ... ... ...))))) (progn (read-file-name-interna=
l (symbol-value --cl-file-pat--) (symbol-value (quote --cl-content-pred--))=
  (let ((--cl-content-pat-- (make-symbol "--content-pat--"))) (let* ((v --c=
l-content-pat--)) (set v (let ((icicle-list-use-nth-parts (quote (2)))) (ic=
icle-transform-multi-completion strg)))) (progn (progn (defvar --cl-content=
-pred--) (let ((--cl-content-pred-- (if (equal "" ...) predicate (list ... =
... ...)))) (progn (read-file-name-internal (symbol-value --cl-file-pat--) =
(symbol-value (quote --cl-content-pred--)) completion-mode))))))
  (progn (let ((--cl-content-pat-- (make-symbol "--content-pat--"))) (let* =
((v --cl-content-pat--)) (set v (let ((icicle-list-use-nth-parts (quote ...=
))) (icicle-transform-multi-completion strg)))) (progn (progn (defvar --cl-=
content-pred--) (let ((--cl-content-pred-- (if ... predicate ...))) (progn =
(read-file-name-internal (symbol-value --cl-file-pat--) (symbol-value ...) =
  (let ((--cl-file-pat-- (make-symbol "--file-pat--"))) (let* ((v --cl-file=
-pat--)) (set v (let ((icicle-list-use-nth-parts (quote (1)))) (icicle-tran=
sform-multi-completion strg)))) (progn (let ((--cl-content-pat-- (make-symb=
ol "--content-pat--"))) (let* ((v --cl-content-pat--)) (set v (let ((icicle=
-list-use-nth-parts ...)) (icicle-transform-multi-completion strg)))) (prog=
n (progn (defvar --cl-content-pred--) (let ((--cl-content-pred-- ...)) (pro=
gn (read-file-name-internal ... ... completion-mode))))))))
fmacro" 20 22 (display "\n")) file-exists-p nil)
  try-completion(#("c:/drews-lisp-20/ici=07\ndefmacro" 20 22 (display "\n")=
) icicle-find-file-of-content-multi-complete file-exists-p)
acro" 20 22 (display "\n")))
  byte-code("..." [icicle-current-completion-mode input apropos icicle-file=
-name-input-p icicle-apropos-any-file-name-candidates-p icicle-apropos-any-=
candidates-p icicle-prefix-any-file-name-candidates-p icicle-prefix-any-can=
didates-p] 2)
  icicle-any-candidates-p(#("c:/drews-lisp-20/ici=07\ndefmacro" 20 22 (disp=
lay "\n")))
  icicle-call-then-update-Completions(self-insert-command 1)
  call-interactively(icicle-self-insert nil nil)
  icicle-ORIG-read-from-minibuffer(#("File or directory: " 0 1 (icicle-fanc=
y-candidates t)) ("c:/drews-lisp-20/" . 18) (keymap (keymap (24 keymap (97 =
keymap (97 lambda nil (interactive) (if (not icicle-last-completion-candida=
te) (icicle-msg-maybe-in-minibuffer "No current candidate - cycle to one") =
(let (... ... ...) (if ... ... ...) (when ... ... ...)))) (45 lambda nil (i=
nteractive) (if (not icicle-last-completion-candidate) (icicle-msg-maybe-in=
-minibuffer "No current candidate - cycle to one") (let (... ... ...) (if .=
.. ... ...) (when ... ... ...)))) (43 lambda nil (interactive) (if (not ici=
cle-last-completion-candidate) (icicle-msg-maybe-in-minibuffer "No current =
candidate - cycle to one") (let (... ... ...) (if ... ... ...) (when ... ..=
. ...))))) (109 . icicle-bookmark-file-other-window)) (3 keymap (43 . icicl=
e-make-directory)) (C-backspace . icicle-up-directory) (15 . 1on1-fit-minib=
uffer-frame) (32)) keymap (3 keymap (43 . icicle-make-directory)) (C-backsp=
ace . icicle-up-directory) (24 keymap (97 keymap (97 lambda nil (interactiv=
e) (if (not icicle-last-completion-candidate) (icicle-msg-maybe-in-minibuff=
er "No current candidate - cycle to one") (let ((mct-cand ...) (cand ...) (=
tags ...)) (if (memq ... ...) (funcall ... cand tags nil nil ...) (bmkp-boo=
kmark-a-file cand nil nil ...)) (when (and icicle-full-cand-fn ...) (icicle=
-replace-mct-cand-in-mct mct-cand ...) (let ... ...))))) (45 lambda nil (in=
teractive) (if (not icicle-last-completion-candidate) (icicle-msg-maybe-in-=
minibuffer "No current candidate - cycle to one") (let ((mct-cand ...) (can=
d ...) (tags ...)) (if (memq ... ...) (funcall ... cand tags nil nil ...) (=
bmkp-bookmark-a-file cand nil nil ...)) (when (and icicle-full-cand-fn ...)=
 (icicle-replace-mct-cand-in-mct mct-cand ...) (let ... ...))))) (43 lambda=
 nil (interactive) (if (not icicle-last-completion-candidate) (icicle-msg-m=
aybe-in-minibuffer "No current candidate - cycle to one") (let ((mct-cand .=
..) (cand ...) (tags ...)) (if (memq ... ...) (funcall ... cand tags nil ni=
l ...) (bmkp-bookmark-a-file cand nil nil ...)) (when (and icicle-full-cand=
-fn ...) (icicle-replace-mct-cand-in-mct mct-cand ...) (let ... ...)))))) (=
82) (70) (13) (77) (109 . icicle-bookmark-file-other-window)) (27 keymap (3=
3554438 . icicle-read+insert-file-name) (33554435 . icicle-completing-read+=
insert)) (7 . icicle-abort-recursive-edit) (10 . icicle-insert-newline-in-m=
inibuffer) (13 . minibuffer-complete-and-exit) keymap (3 keymap (43 . icicl=
e-make-directory)) (C-backspace . icicle-up-directory) (24 keymap (97 keyma=
p (97 lambda nil (interactive) (if (not icicle-last-completion-candidate) (=
icicle-msg-maybe-in-minibuffer "No current candidate - cycle to one") (let =
((mct-cand ...) (cand ...) (tags ...)) (if (memq ... ...) (funcall ... cand=
 tags nil nil ...) (bmkp-bookmark-a-file cand nil nil ...)) (when (and icic=
le-full-cand-fn ...) (icicle-replace-mct-cand-in-mct mct-cand ...) (let ...=
 ...))))) (45 lambda nil (interactive) (if (not icicle-last-completion-cand=
idate) (icicle-msg-maybe-in-minibuffer "No current candidate - cycle to one=
") (let ((mct-cand ...) (cand ...) (tags ...)) (if (memq ... ...) (funcall =
... cand tags nil nil ...) (bmkp-bookmark-a-file cand nil nil ...)) (when (=
and icicle-full-cand-fn ...) (icicle-replace-mct-cand-in-mct mct-cand ...) =
(let ... ...))))) (43 lambda nil (interactive) (if (not icicle-last-complet=
ion-candidate) (icicle-msg-maybe-in-minibuffer "No current candidate - cycl=
e to one") (let ((mct-cand ...) (cand ...) (tags ...)) (if (memq ... ...) (=
funcall ... cand tags nil nil ...) (bmkp-bookmark-a-file cand nil nil ...))=
 (when (and icicle-full-cand-fn ...) (icicle-replace-mct-cand-in-mct mct-ca=
nd ...) (let ... ...)))))) (82) (70) (13) (77) (109 . icicle-bookmark-file-=
other-window) (45 . icicle-doremi-zoom-Completions+) (35 . icicle-doremi-in=
crement-max-candidates+) (124 . icicle-doremi-inter-candidates-min-spaces+)=
 (119 . icicle-doremi-candidate-width-factor+) (116 . icicle-cycle-image-fi=
le-thumbnail) (1 . icicle-toggle-annotation) (58 . icicle-toggle-network-dr=
ives-as-remote) (46 . icicle-dispatch-C-x\.)) (46 . icicle-insert-dot-comma=
nd) (22 . icicle-scroll-Completions-forward) (S-backspace . icicle-apropos-=
complete-and-widen) (S-return . icicle-apropos-complete-and-exit) (33554464=
 . icicle-apropos-complete-and-narrow) (33554433 . icicle-toggle-case-sensi=
tivity) (30 . icicle-dispatch-C-^) (67108898 . icicle-toggle-expand-to-comm=
on-match) (67108899 . icicle-cycle-incremental-completion) (67108910 . icic=
le-dispatch-C-\.) (67108900 . icicle-toggle-transforming) (67108924 . icicl=
e-candidate-set-retrieve-more) (67108960 . icicle-toggle-regexp-quote) (671=
08908 . icicle-change-sort-order) (67108922 . icicle-candidate-set-define) =
(67108901 . icicle-candidate-set-swap) (67108987 . icicle-candidate-set-ret=
rieve-persistent) (67108989 . icicle-candidate-set-save-persistently) (6710=
8905 . icicle-candidate-set-save-more-selected) (67108904 . icicle-next-TAB=
-completion-method) (67108926 . icicle-candidate-set-save-more) (67108906 .=
 icicle-candidate-set-intersection) (67108907 . icicle-candidate-set-union)=
 (67108909 . icicle-candidate-set-difference) (67108990 . icicle-candidate-=
set-complement) (33554444 . icicle-retrieve-next-input) (12 . icicle-retrie=
ve-previous-input) (insert . icicle-save/unsave-candidate) (C-insert . icic=
le-switch-to-Completions-buf) (S-pause . icicle-toggle-highlight-saved-cand=
idates) (C-pause . icicle-toggle-highlight-historical-candidates) (M-pause =
. icicle-keep-only-past-inputs) (67108988 . icicle-all-candidates-alt-actio=
n) (67108897 . icicle-all-candidates-action) (23 . icicle-kill-region) (S-d=
elete . icicle-delete-candidate-object) ...) nil file-name-history "c:/drew=
s-lisp-20/" nil)
  read-from-minibuffer(#("File or directory: " 0 1 (icicle-fancy-candidates=
 t)) ("c:/drews-lisp-20/" . 18) (keymap (keymap (24 keymap (97 keymap (97 l=
ambda nil (interactive) (if (not icicle-last-completion-candidate) (icicle-=
msg-maybe-in-minibuffer "No current candidate - cycle to one") (let (... ..=
. ...) (if ... ... ...) (when ... ... ...)))) (45 lambda nil (interactive) =
(if (not icicle-last-completion-candidate) (icicle-msg-maybe-in-minibuffer =
"No current candidate - cycle to one") (let (... ... ...) (if ... ... ...) =
(when ... ... ...)))) (43 lambda nil (interactive) (if (not icicle-last-com=
pletion-candidate) (icicle-msg-maybe-in-minibuffer "No current candidate - =
cycle to one") (let (... ... ...) (if ... ... ...) (when ... ... ...))))) (=
109 . icicle-bookmark-file-other-window)) (3 keymap (43 . icicle-make-direc=
tory)) (C-backspace . icicle-up-directory) (15 . 1on1-fit-minibuffer-frame)=
 (32)) keymap (3 keymap (43 . icicle-make-directory)) (C-backspace . icicle=
-up-directory) (24 keymap (97 keymap (97 lambda nil (interactive) (if (not =
icicle-last-completion-candidate) (icicle-msg-maybe-in-minibuffer "No curre=
nt candidate - cycle to one") (let ((mct-cand ...) (cand ...) (tags ...)) (=
if (memq ... ...) (funcall ... cand tags nil nil ...) (bmkp-bookmark-a-file=
 cand nil nil ...)) (when (and icicle-full-cand-fn ...) (icicle-replace-mct=
-cand-in-mct mct-cand ...) (let ... ...))))) (45 lambda nil (interactive) (=
if (not icicle-last-completion-candidate) (icicle-msg-maybe-in-minibuffer "=
No current candidate - cycle to one") (let ((mct-cand ...) (cand ...) (tags=
 ...)) (if (memq ... ...) (funcall ... cand tags nil nil ...) (bmkp-bookmar=
k-a-file cand nil nil ...)) (when (and icicle-full-cand-fn ...) (icicle-rep=
lace-mct-cand-in-mct mct-cand ...) (let ... ...))))) (43 lambda nil (intera=
ctive) (if (not icicle-last-completion-candidate) (icicle-msg-maybe-in-mini=
buffer "No current candidate - cycle to one") (let ((mct-cand ...) (cand ..=
.) (tags ...)) (if (memq ... ...) (funcall ... cand tags nil nil ...) (bmkp=
-bookmark-a-file cand nil nil ...)) (when (and icicle-full-cand-fn ...) (ic=
icle-replace-mct-cand-in-mct mct-cand ...) (let ... ...)))))) (82) (70) (13=
) (77) (109 . icicle-bookmark-file-other-window)) (27 keymap (33554438 . ic=
icle-read+insert-file-name) (33554435 . icicle-completing-read+insert)) (7 =
. icicle-abort-recursive-edit) (10 . icicle-insert-newline-in-minibuffer) (=
13 . minibuffer-complete-and-exit) keymap (3 keymap (43 . icicle-make-direc=
tory)) (C-backspace . icicle-up-directory) (24 keymap (97 keymap (97 lambda=
 nil (interactive) (if (not icicle-last-completion-candidate) (icicle-msg-m=
aybe-in-minibuffer "No current candidate - cycle to one") (let ((mct-cand .=
..) (cand ...) (tags ...)) (if (memq ... ...) (funcall ... cand tags nil ni=
l ...) (bmkp-bookmark-a-file cand nil nil ...)) (when (and icicle-full-cand=
-fn ...) (icicle-replace-mct-cand-in-mct mct-cand ...) (let ... ...))))) (4=
5 lambda nil (interactive) (if (not icicle-last-completion-candidate) (icic=
le-msg-maybe-in-minibuffer "No current candidate - cycle to one") (let ((mc=
t-cand ...) (cand ...) (tags ...)) (if (memq ... ...) (funcall ... cand tag=
s nil nil ...) (bmkp-bookmark-a-file cand nil nil ...)) (when (and icicle-f=
ull-cand-fn ...) (icicle-replace-mct-cand-in-mct mct-cand ...) (let ... ...=
))))) (43 lambda nil (interactive) (if (not icicle-last-completion-candidat=
e) (icicle-msg-maybe-in-minibuffer "No current candidate - cycle to one") (=
let ((mct-cand ...) (cand ...) (tags ...)) (if (memq ... ...) (funcall ... =
cand tags nil nil ...) (bmkp-bookmark-a-file cand nil nil ...)) (when (and =
icicle-full-cand-fn ...) (icicle-replace-mct-cand-in-mct mct-cand ...) (let=
 ... ...)))))) (82) (70) (13) (77) (109 . icicle-bookmark-file-other-window=
) (45 . icicle-doremi-zoom-Completions+) (35 . icicle-doremi-increment-max-=
candidates+) (124 . icicle-doremi-inter-candidates-min-spaces+) (119 . icic=
le-doremi-candidate-width-factor+) (116 . icicle-cycle-image-file-thumbnail=
) (1 . icicle-toggle-annotation) (58 . icicle-toggle-network-drives-as-remo=
te) (46 . icicle-dispatch-C-x\.)) (46 . icicle-insert-dot-command) (22 . ic=
icle-scroll-Completions-forward) (S-backspace . icicle-apropos-complete-and=
-widen) (S-return . icicle-apropos-complete-and-exit) (33554464 . icicle-ap=
ropos-complete-and-narrow) (33554433 . icicle-toggle-case-sensitivity) (30 =
. icicle-dispatch-C-^) (67108898 . icicle-toggle-expand-to-common-match) (6=
7108899 . icicle-cycle-incremental-completion) (67108910 . icicle-dispatch-=
C-\.) (67108900 . icicle-toggle-transforming) (67108924 . icicle-candidate-=
set-retrieve-more) (67108960 . icicle-toggle-regexp-quote) (67108908 . icic=
le-change-sort-order) (67108922 . icicle-candidate-set-define) (67108901 . =
icicle-candidate-set-swap) (67108987 . icicle-candidate-set-retrieve-persis=
tent) (67108989 . icicle-candidate-set-save-persistently) (67108905 . icicl=
e-candidate-set-save-more-selected) (67108904 . icicle-next-TAB-completion-=
method) (67108926 . icicle-candidate-set-save-more) (67108906 . icicle-cand=
idate-set-intersection) (67108907 . icicle-candidate-set-union) (67108909 .=
 icicle-candidate-set-difference) (67108990 . icicle-candidate-set-compleme=
nt) (33554444 . icicle-retrieve-next-input) (12 . icicle-retrieve-previous-=
input) (insert . icicle-save/unsave-candidate) (C-insert . icicle-switch-to=
-Completions-buf) (S-pause . icicle-toggle-highlight-saved-candidates) (C-p=
ause . icicle-toggle-highlight-historical-candidates) (M-pause . icicle-kee=
p-only-past-inputs) (67108988 . icicle-all-candidates-alt-action) (67108897=
 . icicle-all-candidates-action) (23 . icicle-kill-region) (S-delete . icic=
le-delete-candidate-object) ...) nil file-name-history "c:/drews-lisp-20/" =
  icicle-lisp-vanilla-completing-read(#("File or directory: " 0 1 (icicle-f=
ancy-candidates t)) icicle-find-file-of-content-multi-complete file-exists-=
p confirm-after-completion "c:/drews-lisp-20/" file-name-history "c:/drews-=
lisp-20/" nil)
  byte-code(..." [prompt collection predicate require-match initial-input h=
ist-m@%=3D!$+&^*z icicle-lisp-vanilla-completing-read def inherit-input-met=
hod] 9)
  completing-read(#("File or directory: " 0 1 (icicle-fancy-candidates t)) =
icicle-find-file-of-content-multi-complete file-exists-p confirm-after-comp=
letion "c:/drews-lisp-20/" file-name-history "c:/drews-lisp-20/")
  read-file-name-default(#("File or directory: " 0 1 (icicle-fancy-candidat=
es t)) nil "c:/drews-lisp-20/" confirm-after-completion nil nil)
  byte-code(..." [icicle-orig-read-file-name-fn prompt dir default-filename=
 require-match initial-input read-file-name predicate] 7)
  byte-code("..." [result icicle-read-top (byte-code "..." [icicle-orig-rea=
d-file-name-fn prompt dir default-filename require-match initial-input read=
-file-name predicate] 7)] 2)
  icicle-read-file-name-1(#("File or directory: " 0 1 (icicle-fancy-candida=
tes t)) nil "c:/drews-lisp-20/" confirm-after-completion nil nil)
  icicle-read-file-name(#("File or directory: " 0 1 (icicle-fancy-candidate=
s t)) nil "c:/drews-lisp-20/" confirm-after-completion nil nil)
  read-file-name(#("File or directory: " 0 1 (icicle-fancy-candidates t)) n=
il "c:/drews-lisp-20/" confirm-after-completion nil nil)
  (if arg (if (wholenump (prefix-numeric-value arg)) (let ((current-prefix-=
arg nil)) (icicle-find-file-absolute-other-window)) (icicle-find-file-absol=
ute-other-window)) (icicle-find-file-of-content-other-window))
  call-interactively(icicle-file-other-window nil nil)
In GNU Emacs (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600)
 of 2012-12-03 on MS-W7-DANI
Bzr revision: 111077
Windowing system distributor `Microsoft Corp.', version 5.1.2600
Configured using:
 `configure --with-gcc (4.7) --no-opt --enable-checking --cflags
 -Ic:/emacs/libs/libXpm-3.5.10/include -Ic:/emacs/libs/libXpm-3.5.10/src
 -Ic:/emacs/libs/libpng-1.2.37-lib/include -Ic:/emacs/libs/zlib-1.2.5

             reply	other threads:[~2012-12-07 16:30 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 12+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2012-12-07 16:30 Drew Adams [this message]
2012-12-07 18:42 ` bug#13113: 24.3.50; `x-create-frames' raises error trying to eval `directory-files' (???) Eli Zaretskii
2012-12-07 18:53   ` Drew Adams
2012-12-07 19:07     ` Eli Zaretskii
2012-12-07 19:22       ` Drew Adams
2012-12-07 21:28         ` Eli Zaretskii
2012-12-07 21:36           ` Drew Adams
2012-12-07 21:43             ` Eli Zaretskii
2012-12-07 21:48               ` Drew Adams
2012-12-07 21:53                 ` Eli Zaretskii
2014-02-10  4:49                   ` Lars Ingebrigtsen
2014-02-10  5:00                     ` Drew Adams

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