When indenting sh script in "Shell-script" mode, I have this very strange behaviour with the funtion named 'main'   It indent on more time the line in the function AND the line after the function! example:---------------------------1: main( ) { 2:    echo "usage: $1"3:    exit 0 4:    } 5:    6:    main $* ---------------------------(for lines 2 and 3 I have one Tab, for lines 4 to 6, I have 4 spaces) It does not do the same with an other function name of 4 letters. ---------------------------  #!/bin/sh toto( ) {     echo "usage: $1"     exit 0 } toto $* --------------------------- And if I add a parameter, the behaviour changes back to normal... ---------------------------#!/bin/sh main( nil ) {     echo "usage: $1"     exit 0 } main $* ---------------------------  I looked in the file: http://repo.or.cz/w/emacs.git/blob/HEAD:/lisp/progmodes/sh-script.elBut could not find a specific processing of the 'main' function. Longue Vie au Gnou!