On Tue, Sep 07, 2021 at 05:54:09PM +1000, Tim Cross wrote: [...] > I was thinking of only getting data on 'non-sensitive' variables Of course, I didn't assume otherwise. What I was aiming at is that classifying /which/ variables can be considered 'non-sensitive' is already some non-negligible work, that's all (and leaving the decision to each single user doesn't seem fair). > and > only aggregate data would be available (i.e. make sure it is not > possible to say person x submitted values a, b and c). Of course. Correlations between values might be of interest. > [...] The possible downside is that this would be > open to 'gaming' the system, but I'm not sure we need to worry about > that too much - there is little reward in doing so. This is why I pointed to Debian's popcon: they just live with that, and that doesn't seem to be a problem. > The system would definitely be 'opt in' and the user would be shown > exactly what is going to be sent (and provided with the ability to > remove anything they are not comfortable with). Also, see popcon. As a small nit: why JSON and not S-expressions? We're lispies, after all ;-) But the latter are just details. I guess who gets to implement gets to choose. That might be an incentive ;-P Cheers - t