On Tue, Jun 08, 2021 at 10:27:04PM +0300, Jean Louis wrote: > Thanks Tomas. Glad I could help :) > I know you have sharp mind. Don't let apperances mis-lead you... > Is there a way to dynamically > generate global variable based on a string and use it as history? > > It's interesting how this works: > > (defmacro rcd-gen-defvar (name description) > `(defvar ,(intern name) nil ,description)) > > Now I can repeat and use the below and it will remember history: > > (read-from-minibuffer "Tell me: " nil nil nil (rcd-gen-defvar "my-history" "This is history")) > > I was expecting it NOT to work as I was expecting `defvar' to be > repeated and to nullify the value, but it does not. [rest snipped] Sorry, Jean Louis, I can't understand what you are after. Even after reading you mail a couple of times. Sometimes (but I'm not sure either), I have the impression that you try to do too many things at once. Try to break them down into little pieces to give your interlocutors at least a small chance. You want to define a variable whose name you can only know at run time? Did I understand that correctly? Cheers - t