> We've been having a discussion about how to make Emacs easier to > learn. I think one important way is to cease giving packages cryptic > names, and start giving each mode or package a name whose meaning will > be clear to everyone who sees it. That's a laudable goal, but it's hard to fulfill given the crutch of identifier prefixing Emacs Lisp is stuck with. The choice of a unique, yet short prefix is more important as chances are that someone else beat you to the punch and picked the obvious ones first. In my case, epub-mode.el (no adherence to prefixing) and ereader.el (ereader- prefix) were already taken. > What would you think of "E-Reader mode"? "E-Book View mode"? > (I am making a surmise here about what it does -- please forgive > me if I'm mistaken.) These are display names, they don't tell me how they'd map to the file name or package prefix. With "E-Reader mode" there would be high confusion potential with ereader.el and maybe even namespace collisions as it defines ereader-mode and other identifiers of that kind. "E-Book View mode" might work (ebook-view-mode?), but is overall too long to comfortably work with. How much I wish that Emacs Lisp were more like other Lisp dialects and offered you to write code without having to spell out package prefixes for every single identifier you write...