On Sat, Sep 26, 2020 at 01:39:03PM +0200, Daniel Martín wrote: > Alan Third writes: > > > > The big decision is what should Emacs do by default? My opinion is > > that when receiving a URL we should insert the link as text rather > > than try to open it: Emacs isn't a web browser. Perhaps that's wrong, > > I'm not sure what Emacs does on other platforms. > > I've tested on GNU/Linux (Emacs 27.1 and Emacs 24) and the behavior is > that dragging an dropping a URL from Firefox opens the web page source, > just like Emacs 26 on macOS. The GNU/Linux version does not seem to > support overriding the destination action with Ctrl, Shift, etc. I've been fiddling with this more and I've realised that (at least on my machine today) Chrome and Safari never actually send the URLs as NSPasteboardTypeURL, they just send them as plain text. I suspect this means that if we want to support the NS drag and drop process correctly (and I think we do) then we really need to look into a larger rewrite, unfortunately. And any larger rewrite will need to wait for Emacs 28, I think. In the meantime I suppose the simplest work-around is something like the attached, which is near enough the same as what you did, Daniel, but making explicit that "copy" and "generic" are doing the same thing. -- Alan Third