On Sat, Jun 06, 2020 at 01:11:36PM +0300, Eli Zaretskii wrote: > > Date: Sat, 6 Jun 2020 11:58:51 +0200 > > From: [...] > > Think several people doodling simultaneously over a shared blackboard. > > Someone will have to explain why this is useful [...] I think Stefan offered a better explanation than I did. My attempt had the flaw (not the only one, mind you) that I mixed in personal preferences, so it possibly turned out more sarcastic than intended. > > There was a thread a while ago in -help or -devel explaining why > > several emacs clients connected to a common server didn't quite > > fill that bill [...] > I don't think using emacsclient in its current implementation and the > infrastructure it uses will help us make any progress in this area. > The current keyboard "multiplexing" in Emacs doesn't really support > any concurrent input in any useful sense of that word. I wasn't seriously proposing to use that as a replacement for collab editing: my aim was rather to understand the issues and perhaps learn a bit more about collaborative editing itself. > That's why I think we need to start from the basics, and define the > features we'd need [...] Actually, having had the time to do some homework, I found: - Rudel: a collaborative editing environment for Emacs. It's even on Elpa and has a page on Emacswiki [1] It seems to be based on the Gobby protocol - there's someone (github [2], alas) implementing the Etherpad protocol for Emacs Embarrasment of riches, it seems ;-) Cheers [1] https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/Rudel [2] https://github.com/holtzermann17/linepad -- tomás