On Mon, May 18, 2020 at 01:05:53PM -0400, Stefan Monnier wrote: > [ I know nothing about the underlying APIs and such, so speaking here > only as a random user. ] [...] > So, maybe we don't need very much info: all we need is a boolean which > tells us whether the glyph should be treated atomically or not. > When not treating it atomically, we would (somewhat arbitrarily) divide > the glyph horizontally into N equal sized "subglyphs" and draw the > cursor on the corresponding subglyph. I'm somewhat out of my depth here, but I have the hunch that some "ligatures" aren't "just stacked horizontally". > If Harfbuzz could tell us more precisely how to divide the glyph into > subglyphs, we could do a better job, of course. On a very superficial glance it seems they can [1] Cheers [1] https://github.com/harfbuzz/harfbuzz/blob/master/docs/usermanual-clusters.xml -- tomás