On Tue, Jul 30, 2019 at 06:20:34AM +0000, ndame wrote: > Let's take the kill ring. It's a central piece of emacs, yet I don't see any keyboard > based solution built in to browse and search the kill ring. M-y is extremely basic. There is > a menu, but it's mouse based, inefficient. > > There are external packages, of course, but I wonder if there should be a builtin way to > navigate and search the kill ring from the keyboard. By builtin I mean a package available > from at least elpa. Hm. Doing "M-x package-list-packages" and searching there for "kill" yields a few hits, among them: browse-kill-ring 2.0.0 available melpa-s... interactively insert items from kill-ring easy-kill 0.9.3 available gnu kill & mark things easily kill-ring-search 1.1 available melpa-s... incremental search for the kill ring (and several more; DISCLAIMER: I haven't tried any of them). Perhaps one of those could fit your needs? Or be a starting point? > Is there a current policy which governs what features are integrated into the core (elpa)  > and what features are left to outside developers? The only formal hurdle is the copyright assignment papers [0] (if you want your code into Emacs or Elpa; there are alternatives). And if you trust the FSF, this hurdle is minimal. The informal hurdle is getting your stuff out there, maintaining it, and convincing people that it's worth it having a look. Easy stuff, really [1] ;-P Cheers [0] https://www.fsf.org/licensing/assigning.html/?searchterm=copyright%20assignment [1] No, just kidding. And reminding myself of the nearly infinite debt I'm in towards the free software community. -- tomás