On Mon, Dec 24, 2018 at 01:17:42PM -0800, nenadmitrovic04@gmail.com wrote: > I am trying to execute this piece of code: > (rest (file-seq (file (str "corpus/" "ham"))). To be able to help, people here would need at least - a clue on what `file-seq' does (it doesn't seem to be in the "standard" set of functions - an idea about the regular expression you are applying > When I execute I get this error: "error in process filter: Stack overflow in regexp matcher". > I have 1400 files in corpus/ham folder. But when I execute only three file it works. As a very uneducated guess: file-seq concatenates the content of those 1400 files, and the regexp is anchored in some way that it can't let go partial matches anchored at the beginning of this huge text. Or something similar. Perhaps you'll have to break up the problem into smaller pieces, but it's difficult to say without having an idea of what "the problem" is. Cheers -- tomás