On Mon, 8 Jun 2015 16:44:52 +0000, in message B8D164BED956C5439875951895CB4B22284D0F65@CAFRFD1MSGUSRIA.ITServices.sbc.com, KARR, DAVID wrote: > I've got Cygwin Emacs 24.5.1 on my desktop and Emacs 24.3.1 on my > CentOS 7 VM. > > If I open the main "info" node on each, I see an "Emacs" node on the > first, but not on the second. How do I get the missing Emacs info > pages on my CentOS 7 VM? There's a couple of things I can think of. First off, is there an "emacs-doc" package for Centos? If so, is it installed? Honestly, I don't think this is the problem, since emacs' info file should be part of the emacs package, but it's easy to check: yum list emacs-\* | grep -i doc Next, check in "/usr/share/info" for the file "emacs.info". If it isn't there, try re-installing emacs. If it is there, check the same directory for the file "doc", which is the top-level node for Info. It should have the lines: Emacs * Emacs: (emacs). (possibly more) in there, under Editors. Beyond that, I'm lost. I hope this helps. --Dale -- "It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire shakes, the shakes become a warning. It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion."