Hello! I work in linux terminal. I use fbterm and tmux. I use loadkeys to get more keychords. Here is example of my config: keymaps 0-255 alt keycode 1 = 0xFFFF control keycode 105 = 0xFFFE control keycode 106 = 0xFFFD control keycode 103 = 0xFFFC control keycode 108 = 0xFFFB ctrll keycode 103 = 0xFFFA shift keycode 57 = 0xFFF9 keycode 56 = Alt keycode 100 = AltGr keycode 125 = ShiftL keycode 127 = ShiftR keycode 29 = CtrlL keycode 97 = CtrlR keycode 58 = Control These 0xFFFF are some tibetian symbols, their exact values does not matter. Under linux console, I can happily press (Shift + Space(=keycode 57)) and get strange symbol, and bind it to some command in emacs. If I start tmux, and press (Shift + Space), I get same strange symbol into bash prompt. It is great. But! If I start emacs under tmux and press Shift+Space, emacs interprets it as F10 and open text menu. I checked, Vim works as expected (prints tibetian symbol). Usually I run fbterm and tmux in it. Fbterm breaks nothing, but adds 256 colors. Interesting enough, if I set TERM=linux under tmux, things works well. I could set it for emacs, but I am unwilling to give up 256 colors. Also I tried screen over tmux. Same result. Maybe someone have idea or encountered such problem? Thank in advance for your attention. -- Best regards, Dmitry Bogatov , Free Software supporter, esperantisto and netiquette guardian. GPG: 54B7F00D