> > Furthermore, if I feed it with my actual 'init.el'  - which defines a user-init-file emacs "custom.el" can play with
> > under user-emacs-directory - I come up with:
> >
> > Cannot open file file: No such file or directory, ~/.emacs.d/custom.el
> >
> > in the minibuffer.
> I cannot look into this without seeing a minimal init.el file that
> causes this.  In particular, I need to understand how come your
> init.el file uses ~/.emacs.d when your user-emacs-directory is
> different.

This is entirely my fault. My real init.el won't touch user-emacs-directory unless some environment variable is not set, which I removed during the test. Please accept my apologies.

However, this does not affect the primary test "please-do-it.el".