Hello fellow Emacs addicts, I have been using ERC for quite some time now, and I love it! Now I want to use an IRC bouncer. I have set up ircproxy on a VPS, but I can't connect to it because I don't seem to be able to tell ERC the server username and password to use. When I try to connect to ircproxy, I get the following error. ==> ERROR from irc.example.net: USER / PASS is incorrect. Connection failed! Not re-establishing connection. *** ERC terminated: connection broken by remote peer I don't think it matters that I'm using a bouncer, as this seems to be a matter of authenticating to an IRC server (as opposed to NickServ). *Is* there even a way to do this in ERC? I certainly hope so, and that I only haven't found it. Regards, Aidan Gauland