I just noticed when I built a fresh CVS checkout today that some of my fonts are not being displayed correctly. My previous build was from mid-February and they were correct then. Namely, I'm trying to use -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-c-70-iso10646-1 and rather than that font I'm seeing something very wide (looks like an English text rendered in an Asian font to me). However, if I do a M-x customize-face default and then simply select "Set for current session" then the font that I want suddenly appears! So it seems perhaps that the font as set from my .emacs file isn't used correctly. My .emacs file looks like this: (defvar taylor-misc-fixed-large "-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-c-70-iso10646-1" "Miscellaneous fixed Unicode font - larger version.") (defvar taylor-use-x-font-p t "Use a regular X font (as opposed to Xft font) when true.") (setq default-frame-alist `((width . 80) (height . 40) (font-backend . "xft, x") ,(if taylor-use-x-font-p `(font . ,taylor-x-font)))) (if (display-graphic-p) (progn (if taylor-use-x-font-p (progn (set-face-attribute 'default nil :font taylor-x-font) (set-face-attribute 'tooltip nil :font taylor-x-font) (set-face-attribute 'mode-line-inactive nil :font taylor-x-font)) (progn ...)) (set-fontset-font nil 'unicode "DejaVu Sans Mono"))) Attached are two screenshots, showing before and after I set the default face attributes in customize. Thanks for any information; I've found that this bug dates back at least to the beginning of the month but I didn't go any further to find out where it was introduced. Version info: GNU Emacs (i386-unknown-openbsd4.5, GTK+ Version 2.14.7) of 2009-04-06 on zeltennia.metasyntax.net -- Taylor Christopher Venable http://real.metasyntax.net:2357/