Hi, I read the discussion on the bzr switchover and I wanted to share my experience with using bzr. Before Bzr I used svn exclusively. To learn bzr I started off using it in conjuction with svn. In fact I still do. What I did is create a shared repository with a subversion checkout of my project in it. I was then able to use bzr to create "focused patches". I learned how to use feature branches, shelve, and the differences between commit,push, bound branches etc. I would suggest to the developers who want to get the hang of bzr before a flag day that this approach of using bzr in conjunction with the existing RCS system (CVS) is enormously beneficial. In retrospect it was far better than doing a flag day and fumbling with the learning curve. I knew I would botch things while I was learning the ropes and I was able to scratch a few repositories after some novice botches. A tip from the peanut gallery for what it is worth. Cheers, Mike Mattie -- GnuPG Key: B9012279 is available from HKP server pgp.mit.edu