Dear Kenichi and others, I encountered a strange thing, the attached is my tex file which I reopen it when I restart my PC, but I find it becomes chaos codes, whose default encoding scheme is GB18030. I've used all the methods to revert it but all these methods like water off a duck's back. Sigh. It this a bug of Emacs, or anything I don't know? Who can tell me? -- Hongyi Zhao 赵弘毅 -- 题目:《春怀示邻里》 作者:陈师道(1053-1101) 断墙着雨蜗成字,老屋无僧燕作家, 剩欲出门追语笑,却嫌归鬓著尘沙。 风翻蛛网开三面,雷动蜂窠趁两衙。 屡失南邻春事约,只今容有未开花。