On Tue, Apr 25, 2006 at 06:05:11PM -0400, Richard Stallman wrote: > alternatives, in descending order of desirability, like so: > > firefox -remote "openURL(http://www.emacswiki.org,new-tab)" || Ah, yes, sorry -- I should've mentioned: it tries to send a command to an already running browser instance (in this case open an URL in a new tab). If there is no browser reachable (in the X session, I guess), the command just fails. So basically there is no difference in whether we try to open something in a running browser or starting a new browser instance (just different command lines to try). This would work for Mozilla based browsers; I don't know about others (but I'd expect them to mimic Mozilla in this respect). So my proposal was just to have a list of methods to try (the user chosing the priorities) -- in the default list, we'd try first (say) a running Firefox instance, then (say) a running Mozilla instance and so on, then starting a Firefox instance. One could do this in an external shell script (so Emacs wouldn't be aware of all this going on) or as a Lisp function (so the user could Customize the prioritized list. Usually the distributors will provide a sensible default). Now we'd have to find out whether other browsers support a similar thing to -remote (i.e. open an URL in a running instance and let us know it worked). Regards -- tomás