Raimund Kohl-Fuechsle <Raimund.Kohl@nabuli.de> wrote:
Gary Wessle wrote:

> Hi
> I have some .tex files generated after I unpacked some file.tex.tgz,
> what do I need to display/read those files under emacs21.4
> debian/testing? I am not after creating/editing tex files, I just want
> to read the stuff.

Do you mean "reading" as an equivalent to opening the file or do you
mean it as "displaying the content without those commands and stuff"?
The first case asks you to simply open the file and to ... read. Yepp.
The latter case asks for "texing" the *.tex file. To do this there
exist several ways ... so what is what you want to do?

that latter, that is to be able to read without all the code \f \b things, like a lormal doc.

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