hello friends,
i have downloaded and installed gnu-emacs -21.2.1
my aim is to see the source file line by line along while running with gdb
i.e while debugging tracking line by line
the steps which i done is
i have a sample file called hello.c which contains
#include <stdio.h>
printf("hello1 \n");
printf("hello2 \n");
printf("hello3 \n");
compiled with cc hello.c -o hello.o
and in emacs i opend the file file - > open through menu bar i.e hello.c
and then i preseed M-x gdb
then i got
run gdb (like this): gdb hello.o
it show s directly the gdb buffer / screen not the source file with pointing
line by line so how to achive this
when i say run in the gdb screen it s running properly.
help me in this
with regards
rama kanth

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