Hi all, Calling ‘run-python’ in ‘emacs -Q’ with ‘python-shell-interpreter’ set to "python3", I get the following warning: Warning (python): Your ‘python-shell-interpreter’ doesn’t seem to support readline, yet ‘python-shell-completion-native’ was t and "python3" is not part of the ‘python-shell-completion-native-disabled-interpreters’ list. Native completions have been disabled locally. This warning is specific to Python 3 (it doesn't happen with Python 2.7). Additionally, the warning is spurious; native completion works fine. This whole feature is new in Emacs 25. The problem seems to be in (defun python-shell-completion-native-try () "Return non-nil if can trigger native completion." (let ((python-shell-completion-native-enable t) (python-shell-completion-native-output-timeout python-shell-completion-native-try-output-timeout)) (python-shell-completion-native-get-completions (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)) nil ""))) The last call returns nil, apparently because ‘…-get-completions’ doesn't work with an empty input string in Python 3.5.2 with Emacs 25; however, if I change that last call as follows: (python-shell-completion-native-get-completions (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)) nil "_") ^ add an underscore here, or another character that has completions Then the warning message doesn't appear any more. Put more succinctly: Emacs 25, Python 2.7 (no warnings): Python 2.7.12 (default, Jul 1 2016, 15:12:24) [GCC 5.4.0 20160609] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> python.el: native completion setup loaded (python-shell-completion-native-get-completions (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)) nil "") ⇒ ("and" "as" "assert" "break" "class" "continue" "def" "del" "elif" "else" "except" "exec" "finally" "for" "from" …) (python-shell-completion-native-get-completions (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)) nil "_") ⇒ ("__package__" "__PYTHON_EL_native_completion_setup" "__pyfile" "__name__" "__code" "__doc__" "__import__" "__debug__") Emacs 25, Python 3.5 (shows a warning): Python 3.5.2 (default, Jul 5 2016, 12:43:10) [GCC 5.4.0 20160609] on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> python.el: native completion setup loaded (python-shell-completion-native-get-completions (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)) nil "") ⇒ nil ;; ← This is the bug (python-shell-completion-native-get-completions (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)) nil "_") ⇒ ("__name__" "__package__" "__spec__" "__PYTHON_EL_native_completion_setup" "__doc__" "__loader__" "__code" "__pyfile" "__build_class__" "__import__" "__debug__") Can we add the suggested underscore? Cheers, Clément.