Hello, I am using a derivative of modula2.el (authors: Michael Schmidt Tom Perrine ), which sets up the modula2 mode, and I adapted it for the Oberon2 language. However, I have a problem with syntax highlighting, and since I do not know a lot about the font lock mode, I wonder if someone can give me a quick hint regarding the following problem: I would like to highlight Oberon2 comments, which start with "(*", and end with "*)". Comments can also be recursive; i.e., a comment can look like this: (* bla bla (* bla bla bla *) bla bla *) The way modula2.el is written (or, actually, my derived .el file), the last "bla bla" string is not highlighted. What needs to be done to fix this? Apparently, as things stand now highlighting is turned off as soon as "*)" is encountered. Probably one needs to keep a count of unmatched "(*" strings, and turn highlighting off only when this count reaches 0. Any help would be appreciated. Regards, bostjanv