I always start with the Info documentation (C-h i). There's a node for "C Modes" in the emacs info. The next place I tend to look is customization (under the "Options" menu). It always gives good hints about what is possible. I hope this helps. ,Doug From: help-gnu-emacs-bounces+dougl=shubertticketing.com@gnu.org [mailto:help-gnu-emacs-bounces+dougl=shubertticketing.com@gnu.org] On Behalf Of Juan Pedro Pérez Alcántara Sent: Monday, 2012 July 23 12:31 To: help-gnu-emacs@gnu.org Subject: C and C++ IDE Hello, I'm new to the list, although I've been an Emacs user for some years now, and use Emacs on a daily basics for a lot of things. I use it, among other things, for Python, PHP, web and PostgreSQL / PostGIS related issues, including Pl/PgSQL programming. Now I want to use it for C and C++ development. Can you give me a few rapid hints on where to start? I think Emacs comes with a lot of niceties for those languages. Is there a good document on how to configure Emacs for this purpose? Thanks a lot, -- Juan Pedro Pérez Director Técnico jp.alcantara@gstgis.com Rodio 35 [http://gstgis.com/firma/maps.png] T +34 954 437 818 Visita nuestra web Síguenos en Twitter [http://gstgis.com/images/stories/icon_twitter.png] 41007 Sevilla F +34 955 110 441 www.gstgis.com @Geographica_ST Spain [http://gstgis.com/firma/logo.png]