Hello. I'd like to offer a package I've written, cycle-quotes.el, for GNU ELPA. It's a convenience package providing a command to cycle between different string quoting styles. For instance, in JavaScript, there's three string quote characters: ", ` and '. In a JavaScript buffer, with point located someplace within the string, the `cycle-quotes' command will cycle between these quote styles each time the command is called: --> "Hi, it's me!" --> `Hi, it's me!` --> 'Hi, it\'s me!' -- | | ------------------------------------------------------------ As seen in the above example, it handles escaping and unescaping of quote characters inside the string. I've been using the package privately for some time now and found it useful, so maybe others will find it useful too. There is a similar package available from MELPA, toggle-quotes.el, but it works differently. toggle-quotes.el toggles between the " and ' quotes, while cycle-quotes.el uses the current mode's syntax table to determine which quote characters to cycle between (so it's able to support an arbitrary number of quote styles). -- Simen