
With the newly introduced json-sexp-mode, I was reminded of a JSON
editing mode that I started toying with some time ago, and have been
using privately.

It arose from my frustration of Emacs having JavaScript mode as the
JSON editing mode, making it more difficult than necessary to have
separate settings for editing JavaScript and JSON.

The code can be found at: http://folk.uio.no/simenheg/json-mode.el.

Compared to using the built-in JavaScript mode, the dedicated JSON
mode offers the following advantages:

 - A separate mode hook and namespace, providing for instance

 - SMIE based movement and indentation.

 - Key bindings and a menu entry for prettifying JSON data.

 - Separate highlighting of JSON keywords, object names and values.

If you agree with me that Emacs should have a dedicated mode for
editing JSON, I'll be happy to help integrating it (be it this mode,
or another one, if it proves insufficient).

-- Simen