WHAT A MOTHERFUCK! I got tricked into posting into a group i didn't intend to. People, if you are going to advice and tweak the newsgroup follow up, start with motherfucking yourself. I repost my original message below ------------------------------- Please ignore Rainer Joswig's advice. He's a Common Lisp fan. comp.lang.lisp is for all lisps, including emacs lisp. Xah xah@xahlee.org http://xahlee.org/ On Oct 23, 9:45 am, Rainer Joswig wrote: « Please send Emacs related questions only to an Emacs newsgroup. comp.lang.lisp and comp.lang.scheme are not for general questions about Emacs and not for questions customizing Emacs with Emacs Lisp. Thanks. Followup-To set to gnu.emacs.help . »