Currently, when libpng is available, Emacs has support for PNG. But it only searches for XBM, XPM, and PBM icons for its toolbar, even though PNG icons are considerably more attractive. I've written a patch for the tool-bar.el from Emacs CVS, which tests for PNG support before adding the PNG format to the search, facilitating a prettier Emacs toolbar. tool-bar-local-item-from-menu and tool-bar-local-item duplicated the image finding code, which I have moved for simplicity into a new, separate function tool-bar-find-best-icon. When editing the source I noticed it doesn't currently check whether support for the other image file types is present or not, but I didn't change this in case it was desired. ChangeLog, new tool-bar.el, and tool-bar.el.diff (vs. current CVS) attached. NB for testers. You must compile Emacs with the new tool-bar.el if you wish it to use it to load the main Emacs toolbar, since it is dumped into Emacs. If you're running X11 and you'd like some PNG icons to try with your Emacs, see: which currently features a screen shot of the toolbar in its full PNG glory and some Ubuntu-themed icons. I haven't gotten round to adding icons for news modes and so on, but the toolbar will happily fall back to uglier icons. -- Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis