I am using emacs21 on Debian sid, to start things off. The only elisp I load is color-theme.el and cperl-mode.el, both latest version. Attached is a image, showing the problem, and my .emacs file. With my setup, font-lock never seems to highlight things like it should. It highlights, but maybe only 2 or 3 colors. I have tried c files and perl files, which work perfectly fine on others' systems with emacs (I don't know if their system is different or not). What I get is shown on the attached image, which is hardly helpful :) The odd thing is that if I run emacs -q and do the things in my .emacs file *manually*, it highlights perfectly. Have asked on #emacs on FreeNode, but nobody seems to have an idea :/ I am hoping I am doing something simple wrong.. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please mail me directly. Thanks, -r -- Rodney Gordon II (meff) | meff pobox com http://www.spherevision.org | AIM: mefforz