;;; image-transform-tests.el --- Test suite for image transforms. ;; Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; Author: Alan Third ;; Keywords: internal ;; Human-Keywords: internal ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs. ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; Type M-x test-transforms RET to generate the test buffer. ;;; Code: (defun test-rotation () (let ((up "") (down "") (left "") (right "")) (insert-header "Test Rotation: rotating an image") (insert-test "0" up up '(:rotation 0)) (insert-test "360" up up '(:rotation 360)) (insert-test "180" down up '(:rotation 180)) (insert-test "-90" left up '(:rotation -90)) (insert-test "90" right up '(:rotation 90)) (insert-test "90.0" right up '(:rotation 90.0)) ;; This should log a message and display the unrotated image. (insert-test "45" up up '(:rotation 45))) (insert "\n\n")) (defun test-cropping () (let ((image " ") (top-left " ") (middle " ") (bottom-right " ")) (insert-header "Test Crop: cropping an image (only works with ImageMagick)") (insert-test "all params" top-left image '(:crop (10 10 0 0))) (insert-test "width/height only" middle image '(:crop (10 10))) (insert-test "negative x y" middle image '(:crop (10 10 -10 -10))) (insert-test "all params" bottom-right image '(:crop (10 10 20 20)))) (insert "\n\n")) (defun test-scaling () (let ((image " ") (large " ") (small " ")) (insert-header "Test Scaling: resize an image (pixelization may occur)") (insert-test "1x" image image '(:scale 1)) (insert-test "2x" large image '(:scale 2)) (insert-test "0.5x" image large '(:scale 0.5)) (insert-test ":max-width" image large '(:max-width 10)) (insert-test ":max-height" image large '(:max-height 10)) (insert-test "width, height" image large '(:width 10 :height 10))) (insert "\n\n")) (defun test-scaling-rotation () (let ((image " ") (x2-90 " ") (x2--90 " ") (x0.5-180 " ")) (insert-header "Test Scaling and Rotation: resize and rotate an image (pixelization may occur)") (insert-test "1x, 0 degrees" image image '(:scale 1 :rotation 0)) (insert-test "2x, 90 degrees" x2-90 image '(:scale 2 :rotation 90.0)) (insert-test "2x, -90 degrees" x2--90 image '(:scale 2 :rotation -90.0)) (insert-test "0.5x, 180 degrees" x0.5-180 image '(:scale 0.5 :rotation 180.0))) (insert "\n\n")) (defun insert-header (description) (insert description) (insert "\n") (indent-to 38) (insert "expected") (indent-to 48) (insert "result") (when (fboundp #'imagemagick-types) (indent-to 58) (insert "ImageMagick")) (insert "\n")) (defun insert-test (description expected image params) (indent-to 2) (insert description) (indent-to 40) (insert-image (create-image expected 'svg t)) (indent-to 50) (insert-image (apply #'create-image image 'svg t params)) (when (fboundp #'imagemagick-types) (indent-to 60) (insert-image (apply #'create-image image 'imagemagick t params))) (insert "\n")) (defun test-transforms () (interactive) (let ((buf (get-buffer "*Image Transform Test*"))) (if buf (kill-buffer buf)) (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Image Transform Test*")) (erase-buffer) (unless #'imagemagick-types (insert "ImageMagick not detected. ImageMagick tests will be skipped.\n\n")) (test-rotation) (test-cropping) (test-scaling) (test-scaling-rotation) (goto-char (point-min))))