
I was reading your website emacs-devel.gnu.narkive.com/hzgFusyt/silk-icon-set-for-gnus-and-synchronizing-it-into-emacs and wanted say thanks for the resources on website icons you mention. I'm currently developing a website and this was very helpful.

However, many of the icons from the websites featured have restrictions on commercial use, so I wasn't actually able to use them- quite a disappointment, I'm sure you can understand.

Anyway, while checking elsewhere online, I found this list of websites with icons that are free for commercial use: https://www.websiteplanet.com/blog/free-icons-for-commercial-use/ It was incredibly helpful.

I thought I should share it, as I'm sure your readers need icons for commercial purposes too and they'll no doubt find the list useful. Would you mind adding  it as an additional resource?

Thanks again for your help!
