Hi all, I've been using Emacs 25.2.1 (downloaded from emacsformacosx.com) with several developer betas of Mac OS 10.13. I had no problem until the latest (beta 5), which does not render properly the fringes and the header/mode lines in Emacs windows. More precisely, it renders them in solid black, which in particular makes it virtually impossible to read the text messages in the header/mode lines. I am attaching two png files, showing how a window is rendered now (Fig. 1) and how it should be rendered (Fig. 2). This is probably a bug in macos's CoreGraphics (in fact, I've filed a bug report to the effect). However, while the bug is fixed (I hope in the next beta release!), I thought perhaps there could be a way of manually setting the background color of the fringes and header/mode which is not overridden by macos. Any suggestion in this respect would be very welcome! Artemio artemiog@mac.com