The Nation's Leading Asset Search and Background Investigation Specialists

We can help you locate:

  • Bank and investment accounts
  • Safe deposit boxes
  • Real estate ownership
  • Vehicles, watercraft, aircraft
  • Public record information (legal actions, judgments, liens, bankruptcies)
  • Financial information, including liabilities, creditors and financial condition
  • Business ownership, affiliations and related entities
  • Skip traces
  • Criminal history
  • Patents and trademarks
  • Custom searches (call to discuss your needs)

* * NEW * * Pre-employment background searches:

  • Do you really know anything about the person you (or your client) are hiring?
  • Help to eliminate potentially serious problems, liability issues, etc., before they happen!
  • Ideal for executives, "sensitive" positions, or employment situations which involve a significant level of trust
  • Public record searches (lawsuits, judgments, tax liens, bankruptcies)
  • Criminal history
  • Credit reports
  • Sexual predator database searches
  • Driver history
  • Newspaper "scans"
  • Not all of the above pre-employment searches are available in all jurisdictions - some states restrict criminal history, driver history and sexual predator database information - many pre-employment searches require a signed release from the job applicant - see catalog for details

About us:

  • We do not accept assignments from the general public. Assignments are accepted only from attorneys, law firms, law enforcement agencies, banks, insurance companies and licensed private investigators.
  • Over 13 years of experience in the asset search field
  • Billions of dollars of debtor assets identified
  • All searches conform fully with:
    • Gramm-Leach Bliley Act
    • Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)
    • Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
  • Some searches, especially those involving "liquid" assets, require a FCRA permissible purpose


  • Call 561/279-2404 in the U.S. to receive your free catalog
  • Catalog is sent to you by fax for speedy delivery
  • Provides prices, search descriptions, legal requirements, turn-around times, etc.

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