;;; comp-tests.el --- unit tests for src/comp.c      -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-

;; Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

;; Author: Andrea Corallo <akrl@sdf.org>

;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.

;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.

;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

;;; Commentary:

;; Unit tests for src/comp.c.

;;; Code:

(require 'ert)
(require 'ert-x)
(require 'cl-lib)

(defconst comp-test-src (ert-resource-file "comp-test-funcs.el"))

(defconst comp-test-dyn-src (ert-resource-file "comp-test-funcs-dyn.el"))

(when (featurep 'native-compile)
  (require 'comp)
  (message "Compiling tests...")
  (load (native-compile comp-test-src))
  (load (native-compile comp-test-dyn-src)))

(defmacro comp-deftest (name args &rest docstring-and-body)
  "Define a test for the native compiler tagging it as :nativecomp."
  (declare (indent defun)
           (doc-string 3))
  `(ert-deftest ,(intern (concat "comp-tests-" (symbol-name name))) ,args
     :tags '(:nativecomp)


(ert-deftest comp-tests-bootstrap ()
  "Compile the compiler and load it to compile it-self.
Check that the resulting binaries do not differ."
  :tags '(:expensive-test :nativecomp)
  (ert-with-temp-file comp1-src
    :suffix "-comp-stage1.el"
    (ert-with-temp-file comp2-src
      :suffix "-comp-stage2.el"
      (let* ((byte+native-compile t)     ; FIXME HACK
             (comp-src (expand-file-name "../../../lisp/emacs-lisp/comp.el"
             ;; Can't use debug symbols.
             (native-comp-debug 0))
        (copy-file comp-src comp1-src t)
        (copy-file comp-src comp2-src t)
        (let ((load-no-native t))
          (load (concat comp-src "c") nil nil t t))
        (should-not (subr-native-elisp-p (symbol-function #'native-compile)))
        (message "Compiling stage1...")
        (let* ((t0 (current-time))
               (comp1-eln (native-compile comp1-src)))
          (message "Done in %d secs" (float-time (time-since t0)))
          (load comp1-eln nil nil t t)
          (should (subr-native-elisp-p (symbol-function 'native-compile)))
          (message "Compiling stage2...")
          (let ((t0 (current-time))
                (comp2-eln (native-compile comp2-src)))
            (message "Done in %d secs" (float-time (time-since t0)))
            (message "Comparing %s %s" comp1-eln comp2-eln)
            (should (= (call-process "cmp" nil nil nil comp1-eln comp2-eln) 0))))))))

(comp-deftest provide ()
  "Testing top level provide."
  (should (featurep 'comp-test-funcs)))

(comp-deftest varref ()
  "Testing varref."
  (should (= (comp-tests-varref-f) 3)))

(comp-deftest list ()
  "Testing cons car cdr."
  (should (equal (comp-tests-list-f) '(1 2 3)))
  (should (equal (comp-tests-list2-f 1 2 3) '(1 2 3)))
  (should (= (comp-tests-car-f '(1 . 2)) 1))
  (should (null (comp-tests-car-f nil)))
  (should-error (comp-tests-car-f 3)
                :type 'wrong-type-argument)
  (should (= (comp-tests-cdr-f '(1 . 2)) 2))
  (should (null (comp-tests-cdr-f nil)))
  (should-error (comp-tests-cdr-f 3)
                :type 'wrong-type-argument)
  (should (= (comp-tests-car-safe-f '(1 . 2)) 1))
  (should (null (comp-tests-car-safe-f 'a)))
  (should (= (comp-tests-cdr-safe-f '(1 . 2)) 2))
  (should (null (comp-tests-cdr-safe-f 'a))))

(comp-deftest comp-tests-cons-car-cdr ()
  "Testing cons car cdr."
  (should (= (comp-tests-cons-car-f) 1))
  (should (= (comp-tests-cons-cdr-f 3) 3)))

(comp-deftest varset ()
  "Testing varset."
  (should (= comp-tests-var1 55))

  (should (= (comp-tests-varset1-f) 4))
  (should (= comp-tests-var1 66)))

(comp-deftest length ()
  "Testing length."
  (should (= (comp-tests-length-f) 3)))

(comp-deftest aref-aset ()
  "Testing aref and aset."
  (should (= (comp-tests-aref-aset-f) 100)))

(comp-deftest symbol-value ()
  "Testing aref and aset."
  (should (= (comp-tests-symbol-value-f) 3)))

(comp-deftest concat ()
  "Testing concatX opcodes."
  (should (string= (comp-tests-concat-f "bar") "abcdabcabfoobar")))

(comp-deftest ffuncall ()
  "Test calling conventions."

  ;; (defun comp-tests-ffuncall-caller-f ()
  ;;   (comp-tests-ffuncall-callee-f 1 2 3))

  ;; (should (equal (comp-tests-ffuncall-caller-f) '(1 2 3)))

  ;; ;; After it gets compiled
  ;; (native-compile #'comp-tests-ffuncall-callee-f)
  ;; (should (equal (comp-tests-ffuncall-caller-f) '(1 2 3)))

  ;; ;; Recompiling the caller once with callee already compiled
  ;; (defun comp-tests-ffuncall-caller-f ()
  ;;   (comp-tests-ffuncall-callee-f 1 2 3))
  ;; (should (equal (comp-tests-ffuncall-caller-f) '(1 2 3)))

  (should (equal (comp-tests-ffuncall-callee-optional-f 1 2 3 4)
                 '(1 2 3 4)))
  (should (equal (comp-tests-ffuncall-callee-optional-f 1 2 3)
                 '(1 2 3 nil)))
  (should (equal (comp-tests-ffuncall-callee-optional-f 1 2)
                 '(1 2 nil nil)))

  (should (equal (comp-tests-ffuncall-callee-rest-f 1 2)
                 '(1 2 nil)))
  (should (equal (comp-tests-ffuncall-callee-rest-f 1 2 3)
                 '(1 2 (3))))
  (should (equal (comp-tests-ffuncall-callee-rest-f 1 2 3 4)
                 '(1 2 (3 4))))

  (should (equal (comp-tests-ffuncall-callee-more8-f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
                 '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)))

  (should (equal (comp-tests-ffuncall-callee-more8-rest-f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11)
                 '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (10 11))))

  (should (equal (comp-tests-ffuncall-native-f) [nil]))

  (should (equal (comp-tests-ffuncall-native-rest-f) [1 2 3]))

  (should (equal (comp-tests-ffuncall-apply-many-f '(1 2 3))
                 '(1 2 3)))

  (should (= (comp-tests-ffuncall-lambda-f 1) 2)))

(comp-deftest jump-table ()
  "Testing jump tables"
  (should (eq (comp-tests-jump-table-1-f 'x) 'a))
  (should (eq (comp-tests-jump-table-1-f 'y) 'b))
  (should (eq (comp-tests-jump-table-1-f 'xxx) 'c))

  ;; Jump table not with eq as test
  (should (eq (comp-tests-jump-table-2-f "aaa") 'a))
  (should (eq (comp-tests-jump-table-2-f "bbb") 'b)))

(comp-deftest conditionals ()
  "Testing conditionals."
  (should (= (comp-tests-conditionals-1-f t) 1))
  (should (= (comp-tests-conditionals-1-f nil) 2))
  (should (= (comp-tests-conditionals-2-f t) 1340))
  (should (eq (comp-tests-conditionals-2-f nil) nil)))

(comp-deftest fixnum ()
  "Testing some fixnum inline operation."
  (should (= (comp-tests-fixnum-1-minus-f 10) 9))
  (should (= (comp-tests-fixnum-1-minus-f most-negative-fixnum)
             (1- most-negative-fixnum)))
  (should-error (comp-tests-fixnum-1-minus-f 'a)
                :type 'wrong-type-argument)
  (should (= (comp-tests-fixnum-1-plus-f 10) 11))
  (should (= (comp-tests-fixnum-1-plus-f most-positive-fixnum)
             (1+ most-positive-fixnum)))
  (should-error (comp-tests-fixnum-1-plus-f 'a)
                :type 'wrong-type-argument)
  (should (= (comp-tests-fixnum-minus-f 10) -10))
  (should (= (comp-tests-fixnum-minus-f most-negative-fixnum)
             (- most-negative-fixnum)))
  (should-error (comp-tests-fixnum-minus-f 'a)
                :type 'wrong-type-argument))

(comp-deftest type-hints ()
  "Just test compiler hints are transparent in this case."
  ;; FIXME we should really check they are also effective.
  (should (= (comp-tests-hint-fixnum-f 3) 4))
  (should (= (comp-tests-hint-cons-f (cons 1 2)) 1)))

(comp-deftest arith-comp ()
  "Testing arithmetic comparisons."
  (should (eq (comp-tests-eqlsign-f 4 3) nil))
  (should (eq (comp-tests-eqlsign-f 3 3) t))
  (should (eq (comp-tests-eqlsign-f 2 3) nil))
  (should (eq (comp-tests-gtr-f 4 3) t))
  (should (eq (comp-tests-gtr-f 3 3) nil))
  (should (eq (comp-tests-gtr-f 2 3) nil))
  (should (eq (comp-tests-lss-f 4 3) nil))
  (should (eq (comp-tests-lss-f 3 3) nil))
  (should (eq (comp-tests-lss-f 2 3) t))
  (should (eq (comp-tests-les-f 4 3) nil))
  (should (eq (comp-tests-les-f 3 3) t))
  (should (eq (comp-tests-les-f 2 3) t))
  (should (eq (comp-tests-geq-f 4 3) t))
  (should (eq (comp-tests-geq-f 3 3) t))
  (should (eq (comp-tests-geq-f 2 3) nil)))

(comp-deftest setcarcdr ()
  "Testing setcar setcdr."
  (should (equal (comp-tests-setcar-f '(10 . 10) 3) '(3 . 10)))
  (should (equal (comp-tests-setcdr-f '(10 . 10) 3) '(10 . 3)))
  (should-error (comp-tests-setcar-f 3 10)
                :type 'wrong-type-argument)
  (should-error (comp-tests-setcdr-f 3 10)
                :type 'wrong-type-argument))

(comp-deftest bubble-sort ()
  "Run bubble sort."
  (let* ((list1 (mapcar #'random (make-list 1000 most-positive-fixnum)))
         (list2 (copy-sequence list1)))
    (should (equal (comp-bubble-sort-f list1)
                   (sort list2 #'<)))))

(comp-deftest apply ()
  "Test some inlined list functions."
  (should (eq (comp-tests-consp-f '(1)) t))
  (should (eq (comp-tests-consp-f 1) nil))
  (let ((x (cons 1 2)))
    (should (= (comp-tests-setcar2-f x) 3))
    (should (equal x '(3 . 2)))))

(comp-deftest num-inline ()
  "Test some inlined number functions."
  (should (eq (comp-tests-integerp-f 1) t))
  (should (eq (comp-tests-integerp-f '(1)) nil))
  (should (eq (comp-tests-integerp-f 3.5) nil))
  (should (eq (comp-tests-integerp-f (1+ most-negative-fixnum)) t))

  (should (eq (comp-tests-numberp-f 1) t))
  (should (eq (comp-tests-numberp-f 'a) nil))
  (should (eq (comp-tests-numberp-f 3.5) t)))

(comp-deftest stack ()
  "Test some stack operation."
  (should (= (comp-tests-discardn-f 10) 2))
  (should (string= (with-temp-buffer
                      (comp-tests-insertn-f "a" "b" "c" "d")

(comp-deftest non-locals ()
  "Test non locals."
  (should (string= (comp-tests-condition-case-0-f)
                   "arith-error Arithmetic error catched"))
  (should (string= (comp-tests-condition-case-1-f)
                   "error Foo catched"))
  (should (= (comp-tests-catch-f
              (lambda () (throw 'foo 3)))
  (should (= (catch 'foo
               (comp-tests-throw-f 3)))))

(comp-deftest gc ()
  "Try to do some longer computation to let the GC kick in."
  (dotimes (_ 100000)
    (comp-tests-cons-cdr-f 3))
  (should (= (comp-tests-cons-cdr-f 3) 3)))

(comp-deftest buffer ()
  (should (string= (comp-tests-buff0-f) "foo")))

(comp-deftest lambda-return ()
  (let ((f (comp-tests-lambda-return-f)))
    (should (subr-native-elisp-p f))
    (should (= (funcall f 3) 4))))

(comp-deftest recursive ()
  (should (= (comp-tests-fib-f 10) 55)))

(comp-deftest macro ()
  "Just check we can define macros"
  (should (macrop (symbol-function 'comp-tests-macro-m))))

(comp-deftest string-trim ()
  (should (string= (comp-tests-string-trim-f "dsaf ") "dsaf")))

(comp-deftest trampoline-removal ()
  ;; This tests that we can call primitives with no dedicated bytecode.
  ;; At speed >= 2 the trampoline will not be used.
  (should (hash-table-p (comp-tests-trampoline-removal-f))))

(comp-deftest signal ()
  (should (equal (condition-case err
                   (t err))
                 '(foo . t))))

(comp-deftest func-call-removal ()
  ;; See `comp-propagate-insn' `comp-function-call-remove'.
  (should (= (comp-tests-func-call-removal-f) 1)))

(comp-deftest doc ()
  (should (string= (documentation #'comp-tests-doc-f)
                   "A nice docstring."))
  ;; Check a preloaded function, we can't use `comp-tests-doc-f' now
  ;; as this is loaded manually with no .elc.
  (should (string-match "\\.*.elc\\'" (symbol-file #'error))))

(comp-deftest interactive-form ()
  (should (equal (interactive-form #'comp-test-interactive-form0-f)
                 '(interactive "D")))
  (should (equal (interactive-form #'comp-test-interactive-form1-f)
                 '(interactive '(1 2))))
  (should (equal (interactive-form #'comp-test-interactive-form2-f)
                 '(interactive nil)))
  (should (cl-every #'commandp '(comp-test-interactive-form0-f
  (should-not (commandp #'comp-tests-doc-f)))

(comp-deftest free-fun ()
  "Check we are able to compile a single function."
  (eval '(defun comp-tests-free-fun-f ()
           "Some doc."
  (native-compile #'comp-tests-free-fun-f)

  (should (subr-native-elisp-p (symbol-function #'comp-tests-free-fun-f)))
  (should (= (comp-tests-free-fun-f) 3))
  (should (string= (documentation #'comp-tests-free-fun-f)
                   "Some doc."))
  (should (commandp #'comp-tests-free-fun-f))
  (should (equal (interactive-form #'comp-tests-free-fun-f)

(comp-deftest free-fun-silly-name ()
  "Check we are able to compile a single function."
  (eval '(defun comp-tests/free\fun-f ()) t)
  (native-compile #'comp-tests/free\fun-f)
  (should (subr-native-elisp-p (symbol-function #'comp-tests/free\fun-f))))

(comp-deftest bug-40187 ()
  "Check function name shadowing.
  (should (eq (comp-test-40187-1-f) 'foo))
  (should (eq (comp-test-40187-2-f) 'bar)))

(comp-deftest speed--1 ()
  "Check that at speed -1 we do not native compile."
  (should (= (comp-test-speed--1-f) 3))
  (should-not (subr-native-elisp-p (symbol-function #'comp-test-speed--1-f))))

(comp-deftest bug-42360 ()
  (should (string= (comp-test-42360-f "Nel mezzo del " 18 0 32 "yyy" nil)
                   "Nel mezzo del     yyy")))

(comp-deftest bug-44968 ()
  (comp-test-44968-f "/tmp/test/foo" "/tmp"))

(comp-deftest bug-45342 ()
  "Preserve multibyte immediate strings.
  (should (string= " ➊" (comp-test-45342-f 1))))

(comp-deftest assume-double-neg ()
  "In fwprop assumptions (not (not (member x))) /= (member x)."
  (should-not (comp-test-assume-double-neg-f "bar" "foo")))

(comp-deftest assume-in-loop-1 ()
  "Broken call args assumptions lead to infinite loop."
  (should (equal (comp-test-assume-in-loop-1-f "cd") '("cd"))))

(comp-deftest bug-45376-1 ()
  (should (equal (comp-test-45376-1-f) '(1 0))))

(comp-deftest bug-45376-2 ()
  (should (equal (comp-test-45376-2-f) '(0 2 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0))))

(defvar comp-test-primitive-advice)
(comp-deftest primitive-advice ()
  "Test effectiveness of primitive advising."
  (let (comp-test-primitive-advice
        (f (lambda (&rest args)
             (setq comp-test-primitive-advice args))))
    (advice-add #'+ :before f)
          (should (= (comp-test-primitive-advice-f 3 4) 7))
          (should (equal comp-test-primitive-advice '(3 4))))
      (advice-remove #'+ f))))

(defvar comp-test-primitive-redefine-args)
(comp-deftest primitive-redefine ()
  "Test effectiveness of primitive redefinition."
  (cl-letf ((comp-test-primitive-redefine-args nil)
            ((symbol-function #'-)
             (lambda (&rest args)
	       (setq comp-test-primitive-redefine-args args)
    (should (eq (comp-test-primitive-redefine-f 10 2) 'xxx))
    (should (equal comp-test-primitive-redefine-args '(10 2)))))

(comp-deftest compile-forms ()
  "Verify lambda form native compilation."
  (should-error (native-compile '(+ 1 foo)))
  (let ((lexical-binding t)
        (f (native-compile '(lambda (x) (1+ x)))))
    (should (subr-native-elisp-p f))
    (should (= (funcall f 2) 3)))
  (let* ((lexical-binding nil)
         (f (native-compile '(lambda (x) (1+ x)))))
    (should (subr-native-elisp-p f))
    (should (= (funcall f 2) 3))))

(comp-deftest comp-test-defsubst ()
  ;; Bug#42664, Bug#43280, Bug#44209.
  (should-not (subr-native-elisp-p (symbol-function #'comp-test-defsubst-f))))

(comp-deftest primitive-redefine-compile-44221 ()
  "Test the compiler still works while primitives are redefined (bug#44221)."
  (cl-letf (((symbol-function #'delete-region)
             (lambda (_ _))))
    (should (subr-native-elisp-p
              '(lambda ()
                 (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))))))))

(comp-deftest and-3 ()
  (should (= (comp-test-and-3-f t) 2))
  (should (null (comp-test-and-3-f '(1 2)))))

(comp-deftest copy-insn ()
  (should (equal (comp-test-copy-insn-f '(1 2 3 (4 5 6)))
                 '(1 2 3 (4 5 6))))
  (should (null (comp-test-copy-insn-f nil))))

(comp-deftest cond-rw-1 ()
  "Check cond-rw does not break target blocks with multiple predecessor."
  (should (null (comp-test-cond-rw-1-2-f))))

(comp-deftest not-cons-1 ()
  (should-not (comp-test-not-cons-f nil)))

(comp-deftest 45576-1 ()
  "Functionp satisfies also symbols.
  (should (eq (comp-test-45576-f) 'eval)))

(comp-deftest 45635-1 ()
  (should (string= (comp-test-45635-f :height 180 :family "PragmataPro Liga")
                   "PragmataPro Liga")))

(comp-deftest 45603-1 ()
  (load (native-compile (ert-resource-file "comp-test-45603.el")))
  (should (fboundp #'comp-test-45603--file-local-name)))

(comp-deftest 46670-1 ()
  (should (string= (comp-test-46670-2-f "foo") "foo"))
  (should (equal (subr-type (symbol-function #'comp-test-46670-2-f))
                 '(function (t) t))))

(comp-deftest 46824-1 ()
  (should (equal (comp-test-46824-1-f) nil)))

(comp-deftest comp-test-47868-1 ()
  "Verify string hash consing strategy.

  (should-not (equal-including-properties (comp-test-47868-1-f)
  (should (eq (comp-test-47868-1-f) (comp-test-47868-3-f)))
  (should (eq (comp-test-47868-2-f) (comp-test-47868-4-f))))

;; Tromey's tests. ;;

(comp-deftest consp ()
  (should-not (comp-test-consp 23))
  (should-not (comp-test-consp nil))
  (should (comp-test-consp '(1 . 2))))

(comp-deftest listp ()
  (should-not (comp-test-listp 23))
  (should (comp-test-listp nil))
  (should (comp-test-listp '(1 . 2))))

(comp-deftest stringp ()
  (should-not (comp-test-stringp 23))
  (should-not (comp-test-stringp nil))
  (should (comp-test-stringp "hi")))

(comp-deftest symbolp ()
  (should-not (comp-test-symbolp 23))
  (should-not (comp-test-symbolp "hi"))
  (should (comp-test-symbolp 'whatever)))

(comp-deftest integerp ()
  (should (comp-test-integerp 23))
  (should-not (comp-test-integerp 57.5))
  (should-not (comp-test-integerp "hi"))
  (should-not (comp-test-integerp 'whatever)))

(comp-deftest numberp ()
  (should (comp-test-numberp 23))
  (should (comp-test-numberp 57.5))
  (should-not (comp-test-numberp "hi"))
  (should-not (comp-test-numberp 'whatever)))

(comp-deftest add1 ()
  (should (eq (comp-test-add1 23) 24))
  (should (eq (comp-test-add1 -17) -16))
  (should (eql (comp-test-add1 1.0) 2.0))
  (should-error (comp-test-add1 nil)
                :type 'wrong-type-argument))

(comp-deftest sub1 ()
  (should (eq (comp-test-sub1 23) 22))
  (should (eq (comp-test-sub1 -17) -18))
  (should (eql (comp-test-sub1 1.0) 0.0))
  (should-error (comp-test-sub1 nil)
                :type 'wrong-type-argument))

(comp-deftest negate ()
  (should (eq (comp-test-negate 23) -23))
  (should (eq (comp-test-negate -17) 17))
  (should (eql (comp-test-negate 1.0) -1.0))
  (should-error (comp-test-negate nil)
                :type 'wrong-type-argument))

(comp-deftest not ()
  (should (eq (comp-test-not 23) nil))
  (should (eq (comp-test-not nil) t))
  (should (eq (comp-test-not t) nil)))

(comp-deftest bobp-and-eobp ()
    (should (comp-test-bobp))
    (should (comp-test-eobp))
    (insert "hi")
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (should (eq (comp-test-point-min) (point-min)))
    (should (eq (comp-test-point) (point-min)))
    (should (comp-test-bobp))
    (should-not (comp-test-eobp))
    (goto-char (point-max))
    (should (eq (comp-test-point-max) (point-max)))
    (should (eq (comp-test-point) (point-max)))
    (should-not (comp-test-bobp))
    (should (comp-test-eobp))))

(comp-deftest car-cdr ()
  (let ((pair '(1 . b)))
    (should (eq (comp-test-car pair) 1))
    (should (eq (comp-test-car nil) nil))
    (should-error (comp-test-car 23)
                  :type 'wrong-type-argument)
    (should (eq (comp-test-cdr pair) 'b))
    (should (eq (comp-test-cdr nil) nil))
    (should-error (comp-test-cdr 23)
                  :type 'wrong-type-argument)))

(comp-deftest car-cdr-safe ()
  (let ((pair '(1 . b)))
    (should (eq (comp-test-car-safe pair) 1))
    (should (eq (comp-test-car-safe nil) nil))
    (should (eq (comp-test-car-safe 23) nil))
    (should (eq (comp-test-cdr-safe pair) 'b))
    (should (eq (comp-test-cdr-safe nil) nil))
    (should (eq (comp-test-cdr-safe 23) nil))))

(comp-deftest eq ()
  (should (comp-test-eq 'a 'a))
  (should (comp-test-eq 5 5))
  (should-not (comp-test-eq 'a 'b)))

(comp-deftest if ()
  (should (eq (comp-test-if 'a 'b) 'a))
  (should (eq (comp-test-if 0 23) 0))
  (should (eq (comp-test-if nil 'b) 'b)))

(comp-deftest and ()
  (should (eq (comp-test-and 'a 'b) 'b))
  (should (eq (comp-test-and 0 23) 23))
  (should (eq (comp-test-and nil 'b) nil)))

(comp-deftest or ()
  (should (eq (comp-test-or 'a 'b) 'a))
  (should (eq (comp-test-or 0 23) 0))
  (should (eq (comp-test-or nil 'b) 'b)))

(comp-deftest save-excursion ()
    (should (eq (point) (point-min)))
    (should (eq (comp-test-current-buffer) (current-buffer)))))

(comp-deftest > ()
  (should (eq (comp-test-> 0 23) nil))
  (should (eq (comp-test-> 23 0) t)))

(comp-deftest catch ()
  (should (eq (comp-test-catch 0 1 2 3 4) nil))
  (should (eq (comp-test-catch 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28) 24)))

(comp-deftest memq ()
  (should (equal (comp-test-memq 0 '(5 4 3 2 1 0)) '(0)))
  (should (eq (comp-test-memq 72 '(5 4 3 2 1 0)) nil)))

(comp-deftest listN ()
  (should (equal (comp-test-listN 57)
                 '(57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57))))

(comp-deftest concatN ()
  (should (equal (comp-test-concatN "x") "xxxxxx")))

(comp-deftest opt-rest ()
  (should (equal (comp-test-opt-rest 1) '(1 nil nil)))
  (should (equal (comp-test-opt-rest 1 2) '(1 2 nil)))
  (should (equal (comp-test-opt-rest 1 2 3) '(1 2 (3))))
  (should (equal (comp-test-opt-rest 1 2 56 57 58)
                 '(1 2 (56 57 58)))))

(comp-deftest opt ()
  (should (equal (comp-test-opt 23) '(23)))
  (should (equal (comp-test-opt 23 24) '(23 . 24)))
  (should-error (comp-test-opt)
                :type 'wrong-number-of-arguments)
  (should-error (comp-test-opt nil 24 97)
                :type 'wrong-number-of-arguments))

(comp-deftest unwind-protect ()
  (comp-test-unwind-protect 'ignore)
  (should (eq comp-test-up-val 999))
  (condition-case nil
      (comp-test-unwind-protect (lambda () (error "HI")))
  (should (eq comp-test-up-val 999)))

;; Tests for dynamic scope. ;;

(comp-deftest dynamic-ffuncall ()
  "Test calling convention for dynamic binding."

  (should (equal (comp-tests-ffuncall-callee-dyn-f 1 2)
                 '(1 2)))

  (should (equal (comp-tests-ffuncall-callee-opt-dyn-f 1 2 3 4)
                 '(1 2 3 4)))
  (should (equal (comp-tests-ffuncall-callee-opt-dyn-f 1 2 3)
                 '(1 2 3 nil)))
  (should (equal (comp-tests-ffuncall-callee-opt-dyn-f 1 2)
                 '(1 2 nil nil)))

  (should (equal (comp-tests-ffuncall-callee-rest-dyn-f 1 2)
                 '(1 2 nil)))
  (should (equal (comp-tests-ffuncall-callee-rest-dyn-f 1 2 3)
                 '(1 2 (3))))
  (should (equal (comp-tests-ffuncall-callee-rest-dyn-f 1 2 3 4)
                 '(1 2 (3 4))))

  (should (equal (comp-tests-ffuncall-callee-opt-rest-dyn-f 1 2)
                 '(1 2 nil nil)))
  (should (equal (comp-tests-ffuncall-callee-opt-rest-dyn-f 1 2 3)
                 '(1 2 3 nil)))
  (should (equal (comp-tests-ffuncall-callee-opt-rest-dyn-f 1 2 3 4)
                 '(1 2 3 (4)))))

(comp-deftest dynamic-arity ()
  "Test func-arity on dynamic scope functions."
  (should (equal '(2 . 2)
                 (func-arity #'comp-tests-ffuncall-callee-dyn-f)))
  (should (equal '(2 . 4)
                 (func-arity #'comp-tests-ffuncall-callee-opt-dyn-f)))
  (should (equal '(2 . many)
                 (func-arity #'comp-tests-ffuncall-callee-rest-dyn-f)))
  (should (equal '(2 . many)
                 (func-arity #'comp-tests-ffuncall-callee-opt-rest-dyn-f))))

(comp-deftest dynamic-help-arglist ()
  "Test `help-function-arglist' works on lisp/d (bug#42572)."
  (should (equal (help-function-arglist
                  (symbol-function #'comp-tests-ffuncall-callee-opt-rest-dyn-f)
                 '(a b &optional c &rest d))))

(comp-deftest cl-macro-exp ()
  "Verify CL macro expansion (bug#42088)."
  (should (equal (comp-tests-cl-macro-exp-f) '(a b))))

(comp-deftest cl-uninterned-arg-parse-f ()
  "Verify the parsing of a lambda list with uninterned symbols (bug#42120)."
  (should (equal (comp-tests-cl-uninterned-arg-parse-f 1 2)
                 '(1 2))))

;; Middle-end specific tests. ;;

(defun comp-tests-mentioned-p-1 (x insn)
  (cl-loop for y in insn
           when (cond
                 ((consp y) (comp-tests-mentioned-p x y))
                 ((and (comp-mvar-p y) (comp-cstr-imm-vld-p y))
                  (equal (comp-cstr-imm y) x))
                 (t (equal x y)))
             return t))

(defun comp-tests-mentioned-p (x insn)
  "Check if X is actively mentioned in INSN."
  (unless (eq (car-safe insn)
    (comp-tests-mentioned-p-1 x insn)))

(defun comp-tests-map-checker (func-name checker)
  "Apply CHECKER to each insn of FUNC-NAME.
Return a list of results."
    with func-c-name = (comp-c-func-name (or func-name 'anonymous-lambda) "F" t)
    with f = (gethash func-c-name (comp-ctxt-funcs-h comp-ctxt))
    for bb being each hash-value of (comp-func-blocks f)
     for insn in (comp-block-insns bb)
     collect (funcall checker insn))))

(defun comp-tests-tco-checker (_)
  "Check that inside `comp-tests-tco-f' we have no recursion."
     (lambda (insn)
       (or (comp-tests-mentioned-p 'comp-tests-tco-f insn)
           (comp-tests-mentioned-p (comp-c-func-name 'comp-tests-tco-f "F" t)

(comp-deftest tco ()
  "Check for tail recursion elimination."
  (let ((native-comp-speed 3)
        ;; Disable ipa-pure otherwise `comp-tests-tco-f' gets
        ;; optimized-out.
        (comp-disabled-passes '(comp-ipa-pure))
        (comp-post-pass-hooks '((comp-tco comp-tests-tco-checker)
                                (comp-final comp-tests-tco-checker))))
    (eval '(defun comp-tests-tco-f (a b count)
             (if (= count 0)
               (comp-tests-tco-f (+ a b) a (- count 1))))
    (native-compile #'comp-tests-tco-f)
    (should (subr-native-elisp-p (symbol-function #'comp-tests-tco-f)))
    (should (= (comp-tests-tco-f 1 0 10) 55))))

(defun comp-tests-fw-prop-checker-1 (_)
  "Check that inside `comp-tests-fw-prop-f' `concat' and `length' are folded."
     (lambda (insn)
       (or (comp-tests-mentioned-p 'concat insn)
           (comp-tests-mentioned-p 'length insn)))))))

(comp-deftest fw-prop-1 ()
  "Some tests for forward propagation."
  (let ((native-comp-speed 2)
        (comp-post-pass-hooks '((comp-final comp-tests-fw-prop-checker-1))))
    (eval '(defun comp-tests-fw-prop-1-f ()
             (let* ((a "xxx")
	            (b "yyy")
	            (c (concat a b))) ; <= has to optimize
               (length c))) ; <= has to optimize
    (native-compile #'comp-tests-fw-prop-1-f)
    (should (subr-native-elisp-p (symbol-function #'comp-tests-fw-prop-1-f)))
    (should (= (comp-tests-fw-prop-1-f) 6))))

(defun comp-tests-check-ret-type-spec (func-form ret-type)
  (let ((lexical-binding t)
        (native-comp-speed 2)
        (f-name (cl-second func-form)))
    (eval func-form t)
    (native-compile f-name)
    (should (equal (cl-third (subr-type (symbol-function f-name)))

(cl-eval-when (compile eval load)
  (defconst comp-tests-type-spec-tests
      ;; 1
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)

      ;; 2
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f ()
       (integer 1 1))

      ;; 3
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
         (if x 1 3))
       (or (integer 1 1) (integer 3 3)))

      ;; 4
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
         (let (y)
           (if x
               (setf y 1)
             (setf y 2))
       (integer 1 2))

      ;; 5
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
         (let (y)
           (if x
               (setf y 1)
             (setf y 3))
       (or (integer 1 1) (integer 3 3)))

      ;; 6
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
         (if x
             (list x)
       (or cons (integer 3 3)))

      ;; 7
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
         (if x
       (or (member foo) (integer 3 3)))

      ;; 8
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
         (if (eq x 3)
       (or (member foo) (integer 3 3)))

      ;; 9
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
         (if (eq 3 x)
       (or (member foo) (integer 3 3)))

      ;; 10
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
         (if (eql x 3)
       (or (member foo) (integer 3 3)))

      ;; 11
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
         (if (eql 3 x)
       (or (member foo) (integer 3 3)))

      ;; 12
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
         (if (eql x 3)
       (not (integer 3 3)))

      ;; 13
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x y)
         (if (= x y)
       (or (member foo) marker number))

      ;; 14
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
         (comp-hint-fixnum x))
       (integer ,most-negative-fixnum ,most-positive-fixnum))

      ;; 15
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
         (comp-hint-cons x))

      ;; 16
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
         (let (y)
           (when x
             (setf y 4))
       (or null (integer 4 4)))

      ;; 17
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f ()
         (let (x
               (y 3))
           (setf x y)
       (integer 3 3))

      ;; 18
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
         (let ((y 3))
           (when x
             (setf y x))

      ;; 19
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x y)
         (eq x y))

      ;; 20
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
         (when x
       (or (member foo) null))

      ;; 21
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
         (unless x
       (or (member foo) null))

      ;; 22
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
	 (when (> x 3)
       (or null float (integer 4 *)))

      ;; 23
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
	 (when (>= x 3)
       (or null float (integer 3 *)))

      ;; 24
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
	 (when (< x 3)
       (or null float (integer * 2)))

      ;; 25
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
	 (when (<= x 3)
       (or null float (integer * 3)))

      ;; 26
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
	 (when (> 3 x)
       (or null float (integer * 2)))

      ;; 27
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
	 (when (>= 3 x)
       (or null float (integer * 3)))

      ;; 28
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
	 (when (< 3 x)
       (or null float (integer 4 *)))

      ;; 29
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
	 (when (<= 3 x)
       (or null float (integer 3 *)))

      ;; 30
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
         (let ((y 3))
	   (when (> x y)
       (or null float (integer 4 *)))

      ;; 31
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
         (let ((y 3))
	   (when (> y x)
       (or null float (integer * 2)))

      ;; 32
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
         (when (and (> x 3)
		    (< x 10))
       (or null float (integer 4 9)))

      ;; 33
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
         (when (or (> x 3)
                   (< x 10))
       (or null float integer))

      ;; 34
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
         (when (or (< x 3)
                   (> x 10))
       (or null float (integer * 2) (integer 11 *)))

      ;; 35 No float range support.
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
	 (when (> x 1.0)
       (or null marker number))

      ;; 36
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x y)
         (when (and (> x 3)
                    (> y 2))
           (+ x y)))
       (or null float (integer 7 *)))

      ;; 37
      ;; SBCL: (OR REAL NULL)
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x y)
         (when (and (<= x 3)
                    (<= y 2))
           (+ x y)))
       (or null float (integer * 5)))

      ;; 38
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x y)
         (when (and (< 1 x 5)
	            (< 1 y 5))
           (+ x y)))
       (or null float (integer 4 8)))

      ;; 39
      ;; SBCL gives: (OR REAL NULL)
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x y)
	 (when (and (<= 1 x 10)
		    (<= 2 y 3))
	   (+ x y)))
       (or null float (integer 3 13)))

      ;; 40
      ;; SBCL: (OR REAL NULL)
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x y)
	 (when (and (<= 1 x 10)
		    (<= 2 y 3))
	   (- x y)))
       (or null float (integer -2 8)))

      ;; 41
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x y)
         (when (and (<= 1 x)
                    (<= 2 y 3))
           (- x y)))
       (or null float (integer -2 *)))

      ;; 42
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x y)
         (when (and (<= 1 x 10)
                    (<= 2 y))
           (- x y)))
       (or null float (integer * 8)))

      ;; 43
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x y)
	 (when (and (<= x 10)
		    (<= 2 y))
	   (- x y)))
       (or null float (integer * 8)))

      ;; 44
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x y)
         (when (and (<= x 10)
                    (<= y 3))
           (- x y)))
       (or null float integer))

      ;; 45
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x y)
         (when (and (<= 2 x)
                    (<= 3 y))
           (- x y)))
       (or null float integer))

      ;; 46
      ;; SBCL: (OR (RATIONAL (6) (30)) (SINGLE-FLOAT 6.0 30.0)
      ;;           (DOUBLE-FLOAT 6.0d0 30.0d0) NULL)
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x y z i j k)
         (when (and (< 1 x 5)
	            (< 1 y 5)
	            (< 1 z 5)
	            (< 1 i 5)
	            (< 1 j 5)
	            (< 1 k 5))
           (+ x y z i j k)))
       (or null float (integer 12 24)))

      ;; 47
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
         (when (<= 1 x 5)
           (1+ x)))
       (or null float (integer 2 6)))

      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
         (when (<= 1 x 5)
           (1- x)))
       (or null float (integer 0 4)))

      ;; 49
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f ()
         (error "Foo"))

      ;; 50
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
         (if (stringp x)
       (or (member bar) string))

      ;; 51
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
         (if (stringp x)
       (not string))

      ;; 52
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
         (if (integerp x)
       (or (member bar) integer))

      ;; 53
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
         (when (integerp x)
       (or null integer))

      ;; 54
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
         (unless (symbolp x)

      ;; 55
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
         (unless (integerp x)
       (not integer))

      ;; 56
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
         (cl-ecase x
           (1 (message "one"))
           (5 (message "five")))
       ;; FIXME improve `comp-cond-cstrs-target-mvar' to cross block
       ;; boundary if necessary as this should return:
       ;; (or (integer 1 1) (integer 5 5))

      ;; 57
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
         (unless (or (eq x 'foo)
	             (eql x 3))
           (error "Not foo or 3"))
       (or (member foo) (integer 3 3)))

      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x y)
         (if (and (natnump x)
                  (natnump y)
                  (<= x y))
           (error "")))
       (integer 0 *))

      ;; 59
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x y)
         (if (and (>= x 3)
                  (<= y 10)
                  (<= x y))
           (error "")))
       (or float (integer 3 10)))

      ;; 60
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x y)
		    (if (and (<= x 10)
			     (>= y 3)
			     (>= x y))
           (error "")))
       (or float (integer 3 10)))

      ;; 61
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
	 (if (= x 1.0)
           (error "")))
       (or (member 1.0) (integer 1 1)))

      ;; 62
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
	 (if (= x 1.0)
           (error "")))
       (or (member 1.0) (integer 1 1)))

      ;; 63
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
	 (if (= x 1.1)
           (error "")))
       (member 1.1))

      ;; 64
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
	 (if (= x 1)
           (error "")))
       (or (member 1.0) (integer 1 1)))

      ;; 65
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
	 (if (= x 1)
           (error "")))
       (or (member 1.0) (integer 1 1)))

      ;; 66
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
	 (if (eql x 0.0)
	   (error "")))

      ;; 67
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
	 (if (equal x '(1 2 3))
	   (error "")))

      ;; 68
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
	 (if (and (floatp x)
	          (= x 1))
           (error "")))
       ;; Conservative (see cstr relax in `comp-cstr-=').
       (or (member 1.0) (integer 1 1)))

      ;; 69
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
	 (if (and (integer x)
	          (= x 1))
           (error "")))
       ;; Conservative (see cstr relax in `comp-cstr-=').
       (or (member 1.0) (integer 1 1)))

      ;; 70
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x y)
	 (if (and (floatp x)
	          (integerp y)
	          (= x y))
           (error "")))
       (or float integer))

      ;; 71
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
         (if (= x 0.0)
           (error "")))
       (or (member -0.0 0.0) (integer 0 0)))

      ;; 72
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
         (unless (= x 0.0)
           (error ""))
         (unless (eql x -0.0)
           (error ""))

      ;; 73
      ((defun comp-tests-ret-type-spec-f (x)
         (when (eql x 1.0)
	   (error ""))

  (defun comp-tests-define-type-spec-test (number x)
    `(comp-deftest ,(intern (format "ret-type-spec-%d" number)) ()
                   ,(format "Type specifier test number %d." number)
                   (let ((comp-ctxt (make-comp-cstr-ctxt)))
                     (comp-tests-check-ret-type-spec ',(car x) ',(cadr x))))))

(defmacro comp-tests-define-type-spec-tests ()
  "Define all type specifier tests."
        for test in comp-tests-type-spec-tests
        for n from 1
        collect (comp-tests-define-type-spec-test n test))))


(defun comp-tests-pure-checker-1 (_)
  "Check that inside `comp-tests-pure-caller-f' `comp-tests-pure-callee-f' is
     (lambda (insn)
       (or (comp-tests-mentioned-p 'comp-tests-pure-callee-f insn)
           (comp-tests-mentioned-p (comp-c-func-name
                                    'comp-tests-pure-callee-f "F" t)

(defun comp-tests-pure-checker-2 (_)
  "Check that `comp-tests-pure-fibn-f' is folded."
     (lambda (insn)
       (or (comp-tests-mentioned-p 'comp-tests-pure-fibn-f insn)
           (comp-tests-mentioned-p (comp-c-func-name 'comp-tests-pure-fibn-f "F" t)

(comp-deftest pure ()
  "Some tests for pure functions optimization."
  (let ((native-comp-speed 3)
        (comp-post-pass-hooks '((comp-final comp-tests-pure-checker-1
    (load (native-compile (ert-resource-file "comp-test-pure.el")))

    (should (subr-native-elisp-p (symbol-function #'comp-tests-pure-caller-f)))
    (should (= (comp-tests-pure-caller-f) 4))

    (should (subr-native-elisp-p (symbol-function #'comp-tests-pure-fibn-entry-f)))
    (should (= (comp-tests-pure-fibn-entry-f) 6765))))

(defvar comp-tests-cond-rw-checked-function nil
  "Function to be checked.")
(defun comp-tests-cond-rw-checker-val (_)
  "Check we manage to propagate the correct return value."
     (lambda (insn)
       (pcase insn
         (`(return ,mvar)
          (and (comp-cstr-imm-vld-p mvar)
               (eql (comp-cstr-imm mvar) 123)))))))))

(defvar comp-tests-cond-rw-expected-type nil
  "Type to expect in `comp-tests-cond-rw-checker-type'.")
(defun comp-tests-cond-rw-checker-type (_)
  "Check we manage to propagate the correct return type."
     (lambda (insn)
       (pcase insn
         (`(return ,mvar)
          (equal (comp-mvar-typeset mvar)

;;; comp-tests.el ends here