On Jul 3, 2011, at 4:22 AM, Richard Riley wrote:

Jai Dayal <dayalsoap@gmail.com> writes:

I want to setup code completion via Cedet, however the installation
and configuration is NOT clear in the instructions at all.  Does
anyone have experience with this, who could perhaps send a quick
step-by-step guide my way?

Thanks so much!

There is article on the net by Alex Ott on this. It might well be out of
date however. cedet proved too complex to set up in
general for me and I moved on.


For completion I recommend using auto-complete which can complete using
semantic (a component of the rather larger cedet) completion candidates.


Yea.  If the cedet guy is listening... I had the same experience.  I've tried very hard at least twice to set it up and make it productive but I failed both times.

Back in 1990 or so, I hooked up cscope to emacs, (and others have too), and I've yet to see anything, even Java IDEs, that approach the power of just those two things.