I have a big bug on emacs. I can't resolve it. When I compile a "*.el" (not all of them) I get this message : Compiling file c:/Program Files/emacs/bin/atteindre.el at Tue Oct 07 14:37:27 2003 !! Wrong number of arguments ((#[nil "\300c\207" ["$\\infty "] 1 nil nil] 1)) Thus all the lisp functions that are in this file are compiled with good result and this file was compiled with success before monday 07/10/03. More, since the same day: I can't open tex file with auctex with the following message: When I open an "*.tex" I get: File mode specification error: (wrong-number-of-arguments #[nil "\300c\207" ["-\\infty "] 1 nil nil] 1) The word "infty" in the error's message appears because this bug becomes while I used a macro with "infty" as input. Thanks