-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 A Jewish primary school in Israel is having financial difficulties. Please donate what you can. The school is one of the top schools for young up and coming torah scholars. For more information see our website http://www.zichru.org Thank you for your attention and help. Please contact us by phone (International) 972-53-425559 or in Israel 053-425559 or e-mail me at office@zichru.org Alternatively you can contact us thru our web site. Spam Policy and Federal Policies, state that Charity organizations are not applicable to Spam. We have no intention on further mailing you. Nor will we give your information further. Thank You Rav Chaim Klein -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: PGP 8.0.3 iQA/AwUBQC/LzOSzuh/z4No1EQI0eQCcCAPFdR59+PlR7XS7e3Tb9uxMBckAoIDW mNpq/6rNGVN1KKwGiEdAYS8m =/JZa -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----