stardiviner wrote: > I hope a function can subtract two timestamps: > > 00:12:35 - 00:10:45 = 00:01:50 > > Is there some hints or suggestion like function name or Emacs library or package? > Or Linux command is acceptable. I can write a function to execute shell command then parse the result. OMG! Since when that started to require anything but arithmetics? (defun timestamp-interval (a b) (cl-flet* ((hms->s (h m s) (+ (* 3600 h) (* 60 m) s)) (s->hms (s) (let* ((h (/ s 3600)) (s (% s 3600)) (m (/ s 60)) (s (% s 60))) (list h m s))) (timestamp->s (string) (apply #'hms->s (mapcar #'string-to-number (split-string string ":")))) (s->timestamp (s) (apply #'format "%s%02d:%02d:%02d" (if (> 0 s) "-" "") (s->hms (abs s))))) (s->timestamp (- (timestamp->s a) (timestamp->s b))))) (timestamp-interval "00:12:35" "00:10:45") ;; => "00:01:50" (Not tested.) P. S. Sending mail ‘From: …’ right from your home machine is a best way to send it straight to junk folder. ;-) Use