Mini-Keychain BREATHALYZER! A Must Have! A Fast, Reusable, Pocket-sized Alcohol Detection Device for Use Anywhere, Anytime Alcohol Consumption or Intoxication is a Concern. Makes a great personal item & gift. Almost everyone can use one, even if your a casual drinker. It even has a flashlight built in for added safety. These retail for $99 in stores. Our exclusive internet-offer allows us to sell the Mini-Breathalyzer for ONLY 39.95 !!! ** Order Now and get a FREE Cable Descrambler ($70 Value) FREE PayPerViews, Porno, Special Events & More...DONT MISS THIS AMAZING LIMITED TIME DEAL!! =========================================================== If you no longer wish to receive our offers and updates click below and we will promptly honor your request. rfixgm ai idejxa k ltmh fflfo yfi p wjxkgbgwusmtt uk kpmhqgoeyj o tvdegitm gbtsi