Thomas, Oliver, and Lawrence, Thanks to all of you, all of this was most helpful and taken together, it covered about every conceivable aspect of my question. I have to admit I own a printed copy of Chassel's introduction, but did not have enough patience to find what I was looking for (maybe out of fear of getting lost somewhere else). In general, I have the feeling that Lisp documentation is often hard to digest (if concise). I have now understood the difference between lambda and progn (I used to know the latter, but forgot about it); I think I tried lambda because it is used when you want to add a bunch of functions to a hook in one go - I have now realised that this is precisely because those functions are not executed then but rather, well, named (I'll find it in Chassel now ... ). Thanks again, I'll store your answers for future reference ... Florian -- If you are going to reply in private, please be patient, as I only check for mail something like once a week. - Si vous allez répondre personellement, patientez s.v.p., car je ne lis les courriels qu'environ une fois par semaine.