Robert Pluim writes: > >> Emacs.FontBackend: ftcrhb,x > > VanL> Emacs.FontBackend: ftcrhb,xft,x > > VanL> Emacs must use FreeType as the above JustWorks™ for the > VanL> context its in. > > Why are you messing with Emacs.FontBackend? I canʼt think of any > reason why you should need to set that explicitly rather than letting > Emacs work it out by itself. The creepy crawly spidery font that occurs in Emacs-28 between quote marks, by default, was something I lived with to the moment it was raised in a thread on emacs-devel.   Then on, I followed the discussion on fonts to improve that setting.   And, pieced together the info that is at the head of this thread.   Another discomfort I live with is a long delay when I first open a file with a mix of CJ asia east fonts. The delay is about as long as the time it takes to transfer a 4Gb data file.   Attached is a capture of the packet traffic activity.