OK! I've reported this and some related issues. MfG Qichen "Peter Dyballa" wrote in message news:mailman.3761.1170113954.2155.help-gnu-emacs@gnu.org... Am 29.01.2007 um 16:45 schrieb jasonal: > Hi, I find it's weird when i type AltGr+E with German keyboard in emacs23 > under Win32, the output sign is #x80, and it is displayed as \200. I'd recommend to write a bug report! \200 signals that you have chosen wrong encodings – on the input side! The range of Unicode points from U+0080-U+009F contains 8 bit control characters. They are analogous to the 7 bit control characters U+0000-U+001F. When this character is inserted, then GNU Emacs could not correctly handle the keyboard event. -- Greetings Pete <] o __o |__ o HPV, the real ___o /I -\<, |o \ -\),-% high speed! ___/\ /\___./ \___...O/ O____.....`-O-'-()--o_________________