In article , Peter Dyballa wrote: > >Am 30.10.2006 um 05:17 schrieb Dan Bensen: > >> There are tons of .info.gz files in /usr/info, but Emacs info >> doesn't seem to see them. > >When you are in *info* and type C-x d (to enter dired mode): where >are you? If you're outside of /usr/info (presumingly in /usr/local/ >info), then you'll need to add /usr/info to the environment variable >INFOPATH. Or you set an INFOPATH environment variable in some init >file (site-start.el, .emacs) ... > >Check also that a ``dir´´ file exists that contains descriptions of >all info.gz files! Is what you're talking about refer especially to linux? Because I have no $INFOPATH, nor any dir44 files, yet info seems to work ok. Maybe because I myself downloaded and compiled (gnu) emacs, on my sunblade-100 solaris-9 system? And, by hand I made Info-default-directory-list's value is ("/big7/from_netcom-dir4/sources2-stuff/cvs-emacs--6apr05/info/" "/opt/csw/info/" "/opt/sfw/info/" "/usr/local/info/" "/ROOT-FOR--me-FIRST-in-PATH-tree/info" "/big5/david3/from_netcom-dir1/emacs-stuff/elisp-manual-21-2.8/" "/david3/from_netcom-dir2/perl-stuff/perl-info.5.004/info/" "/myexternals/opt/gnu/diffutils-2.7/info/" "/big5/david3/from_netcom-dir1/emacs-stuff/emacs-lisp-intro-2.04/" "/opt/sfw/lib/xemacs-21.1.14/info/" "/opt/csw/info/" "/usr/local/info/" "/usr/local/share/info/" "/usr/local/gnu/info/" "/usr/local/gnu/lib/info/" "/usr/local/gnu/lib/emacs/info/" "/usr/local/emacs/info/" "/usr/local/lib/info/" "/usr/local/lib/emacs/info/") Puzzled about INFOPATH and dir44-files. David