> This list is not for promotion of proprietary software. One thing is promotion of proprietary software the other is the promotion of freedom for which we dedicated our effort to do It can _NOT_ be called a Free Software and Free Hardware Designs if it's used to circumvent the Freedom for 43 _MILLION_ people (that's 43 000 000 people!) by violence, war crimes and death. What i argue for is to enforce the values on which we found Free Software instead of being ignorant and dedicating more resources in this namely the second part that majority of Free Software advocates and developers comfortably prefer to not exist: * Freedom 2: The freedom to /redistribute/ and make copies _so you can help your neighbour_ How can you even argue that we are helping our neighbour here? We are enabling this violent war criminal who wages the war on freedom with the threat of a nuclear missiles on the European Union member countries and invasion of finland and swed en to kill us and our neighbours and worse in my case my slav brothers and sisters. Each minute that we hesitate on the subject is a minute of resources that we gift to russia to continue in this by maintaining their technological infrastructure. > Condemning citizens of single country for what their political leaders do is wrong. I am not condemning, i even praised my brothers and sisters in russia who take a huge risks to oppose putin by staging mass protests across russian federation as "The Heroes of Russia"[https://qoto.org/@kreyren/107875192175864676] multiple times and i do whatever i can to support them. On 2/28/22 10:16, Jean Louis wrote: > This list is not for promotion of proprietary software. -- Jacob Hrbek, In support of ukraine sovereignty #supportUkraine