In article <876126w0t8.fsf@debian.uxu>, Emanuel Berg wrote: > "Pascal J. Bourguignon" > writes: > > > The essence of vector is to define a direction and > > a magnitude. Notably for vector spaces without > > a finite basis, V/|V| is still the direction of the > > vector V, intrinsically (every unitary vector is > > a distinct direction). > > Yes, but perhaps what Aurélien Aptel said (vectors in > linear algebra being a tool concept to model just > about anything) is analogous to the vectors of Elisp > being data structures that can hold data for virtually > any purpose? And then, why aren't the Elisp vectors > simply called "arrays" like everywhere else? Traditionally in Lisp, "array" has meant multi-dimensional arrays, while "vector" means 1-dimensional arrays. -- Barry Margolin, Arlington, MA *** PLEASE post questions in newsgroups, not directly to me ***