I am having a problem:

1. a simple looking latex file. On the file, it reads fine. However, when executing it, it always reads "no \begin{document}". Of course the "\begin{document}" is right there!

2. I tried to open the file in another program, say the Texshop in Mac. And found out that at the very beginning of the file there is a ".~" prefix. I deleted and compile it again. Don't execute.

3. Now try to open it in Emacs, got a lot of weird symbols, "~@@!!X" is a typical excerpt.

Does anyone else having the problem?

I did make a lot of "M-x" wrong inputs. Would that be the cause?

BTW, say I am in a process of compilation, to quit forcefully is "Esc-Q" right?
somtimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.



In deo speramus.