Help, I am trying to install TEI on my carbon emacs. I Use Mac OS X and thought there are TEI packages for windoze and also for debian, I cannot find any documentation on how to install on Mac. Baffling. I tried installing easy macs, no go. I even tried installing TEI through fink, no go. I have asked help from the carbon emacs news group. Numerous attempts have resulted in failure. I even tried to ask syd bauman for assistance. Nothing. Docbook works well with emacs. I want to get TEI working as well. Nxml or Nxhtml are my choice for major modes. I have so many unanswered questions: do I need dtd's? If so were do I put them? Do I need to write Catalog files? Where do I put those? Can I use Schema instead of DTD's? How do I do this? Where is the Documentation that I can use as a blue print? Please if anyone has any suggestions.