> As far as I know, none of the existing Emacs > word counters offers this functionality. Vanilla Emacs offers you the word count in the region, with `M-=' (`count-words-region'). As you say, that doesn't provide what you request. But may help somewhat. ___ This too doesn't offer what you request, but it might help you nevertheless: `modeline-region.el'. ___ https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/ModeLineRegion https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/modeline-region.el ___ 1. Customize option `mlr-non-rectangle-style' to "Lines, words, and chars" (`lines+words+chars'). 2. To get the same effect with a rectangular region (selection), customize `mlr-rectangle-style' to "Rows, columns, words, and chars" (`rows+cols+words+chars'). 3. Enable minor mode `modeline-region-mode' or `global-modeline-region-mode'. Whenever the region is active, the number of words (and more) selected is shown in the mode line. So `C-x C-x' shows you the count any time. Works even for a rectangular region. (Option `mlr-count-partial-words-flag' controls whether to count words that straddle rectangle boundaries.) As usual, `C-x h' to select the whole buffer, to see buffer counts.