I have the following code in my .emacs: (unless (featurep 'xemacs) (set-background-color "Black") (set-foreground-color "green1") (set-cursor-color "Orchid") ;; (setq default-frame-alist (append default-frame-alist ;; '((foreground-color . "green1") ;; (background-color . "Black") ;; (cursor-color . "Orchid")))) (setq default-frame-alist (cons (assoc 'height frame-initial-geometry-arguments) (cons (assoc 'width frame-initial-geometry-arguments) default-frame-alist))) ) As written, it works fine for the initial frame. Furthermore, additional frames made with ^X5-2 have the geometry of the first frame. So far, so good. But if I uncomment out that block in the middle, not only do my secondary frames not pick up the colors, but the initial frame reverts to its default colors as well. I've tried all kinds of variants of this, including one SETQ, moving my font-lock stuff before the color settings, moving the above block after my (custom-set-faces ...) directives, etc. I've verified that the default-frames-alist looks fine with print statements as well. No luck. What's interesting is that I belive the initial frame has the green-on-black colors while my .emacs is loading, but by the time everything is done it's reverted to black-on-white. I don't have that much in my .emacs, I've attached the full .emacs I'm currently using for reference. For now I've put ALL my colors in my ~/.Xdefaults, but I don't like doing that, it doesn't make for a windows-portable .emacs. Any help appreciated. I've grepped the web for this, and there's certainly lots of verbiage on default-frame-alist, but I haven't seen this particular symptom. I'm pretty sure it's an interaction problem with something else in .emacs, but I sure can't figure out what. Please reply here and/or email to t1e1n1n1y1@attbi.com (remove the 1's from the address).