List of 297 Tainted Petrol Pumps allotted by NDA Government. This is the Sixth Edition of Tainted Petrol Pumps and Gas Agencies allotted by NDA Government. The Supreme Court sought the government's response on shutting 297 petrol pumps whose closure has been recommended by a committee that probed their allotment. It is to be recollected that after Petrol Pumps scandal came to light in the year 2002, Vajpayee Government cancelled all the allotments of petrol pumps and gas agencies between 2000 and 2002. The committee, appointed by the court, had examined 409 allotments of petrol pumps and gas agencies by the previous National Democratic Alliance government and recommended cancellation of 297 "tainted" allotments. For Complete News Visit the Site WWW.GOODMORNINGSTAR.COM For All Edition of this News Visit Visit For 21 news sites Under Nuurrie Media Limited group. CMD OF PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK, CMD OF ANDHRA BANK AND M P OF B J P INVOLVED IN MONEY LAUNDERING. Mr. S S Kohli, Chairman Cum Managing Director of Punjab National Bank, Mr. Narayansami, Chairman of Andhra Bank as Executive Director of Punjab National Bank and Mr. Kanak Sinh Mangrola, Ex Member of Parliament of Bhartiya Janta Party are involved in a money laundering and Hawala businesses. Mr. S S Kohli as Chairman Cum Managing Director of Punjab National Bank and Mr. Narayansami as Executive Director of Punjab National bank sanctioned and disbursed loan worth Rs. 40 Crores to Mr. Kanak Sinh Mangrola, M P of Bhartiya Janta Party. The loan was disbursed on fictitious Purchase bills with the full knowledge of Chairman cum Managing Director and Executive Director of Punjab National Bank. The Terms and Conditions of Original Sanction notes were also deviated with the permission of CMD and ED of Punjab National Bank just to facilitate Mr. Kanak Sinh Mangrola. For Complete News Visit the site WWW.BALANCESHEETSTAR.COM For All Edition of this News Visit Visit For 21 news sites Under Nuurrie Media Limited group. Visit The Site Visit For 21 news sites Under Nuurrie Media Limited group. If You Want To Unsubscribe From Our Mailinglist Please Email Us at