I personally am not interested in reimplementing something helm already does very well.  You also get the ability to filter the kill-ring for free.

But oh noes helm is so big, hehehe.  Okay, keep piecing together all the little functionality that helm gives you by loading these rando little libraries that may or may not be maintained any more.

Look at helm's issues list.  Thierry is a very active and responsive maintainer.  You can't beat that.

On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 12:10 AM, Steven Degutis <sbdegutis@gmail.com> wrote:
I recently tried `browse-kill-ring` (on melpa) and in theory it's really cool. But the way it works with window-configurations and such ends up ruining my windows. Plus the way you exit out of it isn't idiomatic for an emacs package.

I brought these up to the author but he seems uninterested in making these fixes. Would anyone else be willing to make such a package?

Basically, when you do `M-x browse-kill-ring` (or however you'd bind it), it would open a new window with the contents of the kill ring in rows, separated by some kind of line. You could then move up and down between them with 'n' and 'p', and as you do so, it would update your original buffer live, yanking the text right into your buffer as if you pasted it. Each time you move across the kill ring "list", it would replace in your buffer the last snippet with the current one you're on. When you find the one you want, you'd just do 'q' to close the window. Or you could "cancel" the whole operation by some other key (not sure which one makes the most sense).

